Churchyard Awards 2021
Published: 15th November 2021Gardeners and guardians gathered in Lichfield to hear the judges' conclusions.
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Gardeners and guardians gathered in Lichfield to hear the judges' conclusions.
Over a hundred chaplains from around the country descended on Lichfield Cathedral last week to celebrate their ministry and commission new chaplains.
Revd David Sims on his venture into the world of pithy social media
Join the St. Winefride’s Pilgrimage, a 70 mile journey from Holywell in Wales, to Shrewsbury between Easter and Pentecost next year.Â
The Rt Revd Jonathan Gledhill, Bishop of Lichfield from 2003-2015, died yesterday.
29th October 2021
Members of Holy Trinity Church in Heath Town, Wolverhampton, celebrated their shared past and future during Black History Month.
Matthew Lefroy looks at how sport can be a vital tool of outreach among young people.
People affected by dementia live through unchosen challenges. Within our Diocese of Lichfield dementia-friendly churches network, we are focusing this autumn on three pictures that help us to see the bigger picture, noticing God’s presence as dementia progresses.
19th October 2021
The Rt Revd Michael Ipgrave is adding his support to those who want to welcome refugees and asylum seekers.
One of the first recipients of the Chad Medal in the diocese has died.
Results published Wednesday 13 Oct 2021
A West Bromwich curate with muscular dystophy is skydiving for a good cause.
A Church school in Staffordshire has christened new rooms The Wedgwood Wing.
The Revd Dr Megan Smith has been collated as Archdeacon of Stoke-upon-Trent.
Venturing out more, in recent weeks, has been a strange and rather unsettling experience. Like traversing a landscape that seems familiar but strangely altered. The world has changed in ways both subtle and significant.
How does our experience of dementia affect our faith?
The Community of St Chad Pilgrimage took in the new statue of St Chad and marked farewells and new beginnings.
New Readers from across the diocese were licensed at Lichfield Cathedral on Saturday.
The Bishop of Lichfield responds to the Bishop of Ebbsfleet's decision to seek full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.
September's Chad Blog comes from the Bishop of Stafford
As August draws to a close and most return home from summer holidays, Revd Philip Swan brings out some souvenirs
September is always the start of a new school year, and this one perhaps with more hopes than the last. Alex Wolvers, the diocese’s Mission in Schools Enabler certainly has...
The Bishop of Lichfield is part of a new team to strengthen work in prisons.
Bishop Sarah's thoughts for August's Chad Blog
People donate to Christian Aid to pass on the blessing of their vaccination.
Volunteers across the Midlands are re-mobilising in churches and other community hubs to offer connection for the isolated.
July sees a new intake of curates begin their ministry, and a time for all to check up on how we serve our communities, churches and God:
St David, the patron saint of Wales, recognised that small steps can make a massive difference.