Messy Church is church for children and adults to enjoy together.
Typically held once per month on a day and at a time to suit families in the area, Messy Church has three elements:
- Creativity: A time to explore the Bible together through a range of activities, crafts and games.
- Celebration: A short time of gathered worship including story, songs and prayer.
- Eating Together: A sit down meal for everyone.
Messy Church is for those outside of other forms of church and therefore aims to introduce Jesus and give everyone opportunities to encounter Him and grow closer to Him. It is church in its own right and should therefore not be seen as a stepping stone into other forms of church, although this may well happen. A document exploring developing discipleship in Messy Church is available here
For more info go here
You can find stories of what is happening in our Messy Churches here
David Cundill is the Fresh Expressions Enabler, with one of his chief focuses on supporting and developing Messy Church in the Stafford and Wolverhampton Episcopal Areas.
Cerys is part of a Messy Church in Telford, she has knowledge and experience of Messy Church in a range of contexts and can offer training, advice and support to Messy Church teams across the Diocese.
We now have over one hundred Messy Churches in the Diocese. You can find a searchable list of Messy Churches here. If you do Messy Church and are not on the list, please get in touch with Cerys.
If you are thinking of starting Messy Church, do contact her and have a look at the list to see if you can visit other churches near you to see what they do.
If you would like to host a meet up in your area, please contact Cerys or David as appropriate.
Cerys Hughes: Mobile: 07590 648549 or email
David Cundill: Mobile: 07540 841403 or email
For news, stories and ideas find us on Facebook here, and follow us on Twitter here
Messy Church logo © The Bible Reading Fellowship 2018. See messychurch.org.uk.