Great resources can be a great help you children's, youth and families ministry. Check back often: this page is updated regularly.
If you want something that isn't there, don't fear, just get in touch with us via email, Facebook or Twitter.

The Diocese of Lichfield and the Church of England treats the duty of care it owes to children entrusted into our care very seriously.
To find key phone numbers for immediate support and general information click here.
For example policies, forms and general advice click here.

Click here to see a selection of forms that you can download and edit for use in your context. These include general consent forms, session logs, and risk assessment templates.

Click here to view resources and documents that could help you further develop your youth, children's and families ministry.

The Church Pastoral Services Diary
'The Pastoral Services Diary is our powerful, full-featured, intuitive, web-based software, built to help churches with the administration of their occasional offices.'

Church Urban Fund (CUF) Poverty Lookup Tool
The CUF Poverty Lookup tool can give you an instant snapshot on levels of poverty in your parish. It can provide useful information to help you learn about your parish or benefice, or to use in funding applications.

Click here for resources to support employed workers.

EngageWorship "resource local churches for creative, innovative and world-changing worship; engaging with God, each other and the world around us." Their website is full of ideas for all-age worship, prayer activities, printed resources and more. Click here to visit their website.

Going for Growth is a national website supported by the Church of England's National Children's and Youth Work Advisor, Revd Mary Hawes. This website contains news, information and resources and is regularly updated.

Home for Good's vision is a home for every child who needs one. So many children need caring, safe and supportive families to foster or adopt them, and Home for Good exists to help the church to play it's part. Visit their website to learn more about their work.

Hope Together is a national resource for churches to help them do evangelism.
HOPE is based on a few simple principles:
- demonstrating Gods love as local churches work together, meeting needs in our communities
- continuing to love and serve people whatever they choose to believe
- inviting people to go further in their spiritual journey by sharing the gospel with words in culturally relevant ways
- giving people opportunities to respond to the gospel, then connecting people who do respond into church life

Safe Families works hand-in-hand with childrens services to link families in need with local volunteers who can offer them help and support the toughest of times. To learn more, visit their website.

Premier Youth & Children's Work is a magazine committed to resourcing children's and youth ministry in churches. Delivered to your door every month, it's full of news, reflections, interviews and resources for anyone working with children or young people.
0-5s Ministry

Click here to access 0-5s Ministry, including Toddler Groups / Toddler Churches

Church of England Christenings Website
The Church of England Christenings Website is a brilliant resource to share with baptism families with details for parents, godparents and guests.
Children's & Families Ministry

Click here to find resources to resource your children's ministry.
Youth Ministry

Click here for resources relating to Youth Ministry.

Urban Saints run camps and events across the country for children and young people. They also run the brilliant Energize, an online resource bank of curriculum resources for 8-18s.

YFC supports young people all across the uk. Their mission is to take the good news of Jesus Christ relevantly to every young person in the country.

Hosts of the National Youth Ministry Weekend, Youthscape pioneer innovative resources from Luton, Bedfordshire, with the aim of resourcing the church to work with young people in schools and their local communities. Of particular interest is their web-store, full of brilliant resources.
Click here to visit Youthscape's website.
DiscipleKit - Discipleship resource reviews is the brainchild of Veteran Youth Worker Mark Tiddy. Mark's website is full of practical resources, reviews and guides.

'The vision for DiscipleKit, launched by CPAS, is to energise that vital discipleship journey by gathering together resources which are inspiring, empowering, interesting and accessible. It is for busy church and group leaders, of adults, youth and children. It is for anyone who wants to find out more about discipleship.'
For more information, visit the DiscipleKit Website.
Social Justice Resources for 11-18s

Young people have a strong sense of right and wrong, this, coupled to a desire to make the world a better place can make them a powerful force for change. We have gathered a small selection of resources to help 11-18s explore issues of social justice. Explore these resources here.
Primary Schools

Click here for resources around ministry to Primary Schools.
High Schools

Click here for resources to support your high school ministry.

Fusion exists to:
- Equip Students for life and mission at University
- Equip Churches to connect students to their local church
- Develop Student Workers

"SCM is a movement of students, past and present, responding to the call of Jesus to follow him and show the love of God on campus, in our communities, and in the world. We come together as an ecumenical and inclusive community, fostering unity in diversity and exploring faith through worship, discussion and intentional action."