As a diocese, we are committed to taking climate change seriously. In March we passed a new Diocesan Environmental Policy and Action Plan. Parishes across the diocese are registering for Eco Church a national award that recognises and supports churches who are working to become more environmentally friendly.
Our diocesan vision includes a prayer that we become a church that partners with others in seeking the common good, working for justice as people of hope. As we grow deeper in our love for Jesus, we learn to love our neighbour, which applies to the whole of creation as much as our human neighbour. So often the care of creation has been seen as a marginal preoccupation within the life of the Church. But by making small changes to our own lifestyles and campaigning for the government to make big changes we can be part of halting the progress of climate change.
The following links will take you through a step by step guide to how to become an Eco Church and provide a great place to start the discussion within your parish and with the PCC
Additional information can be found at our Environmental Resources page and by emailing environment@lichfield.anglican.org
Also why not take a look at the Lichfield Diocesan Environmental Group Facebook and join the group for up to date discussion and news
Further information and an article on Eco Church can be found here