This course is about the practice of listening, attending to a person’s relationship with God. So a typical session will include time for listening to one another, time for our own prayer and reflection, as well as some teaching from the front. Participants will need to come with a willingness to be open about their own relationship with God as well as open to others who may be very different to them.
Participants are expected to assign some time each day for their own prayer. Additionally a written or oral journal of reflections on listening experiences will be kept, and there will be assignments to complete between sessions. Approximately an hour per week (in addition to personal prayer time) should be allowed for this.
Course dates:
Saturday 19 Oct, 2 and 23 Nov, 7 Dec 2024, 4 and 18 Jan 2025 - 1000-1600 at St Aidan's Church, 10a Mount Rd, Penn, Wolverhampton WV4 5SW.
Entrance requirements
- Experience or training in a range of Christian prayer traditions and/or listening for God (such as the ‘Soul Food’ or ‘Discerning Listening 1’ courses);
- A recognised aptitude for listening – discerned by reference (and interview);
- To be in receipt of Spiritual Direction;
- A commitment to attend all the course sessions.
If you would like to join the course, please fill in the form below or for further information, email Charles Ruxton (Diocesan Spirituality Adviser)