Trentham children case study

Context and background

Trentham Parish Church (traditionally known as St Mary and All Saints) has been a place of worship since the 7th century.

Trentham is located in the suburbs of the city of Stoke on Trent in the south so in a green area with easy access to the countryside giving rise to better health and wellbeing instead of being in the stress and pressure of the city.

Trentham Parish Church is an evangelical and charismatic church. This means that we seek to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit operating through the spiritual gifts-  ie prophecy, prayer, encouragement, healing and speaking in tongues.

Trentham church was planted by a river to share the love of Jesus. It was a place of hospitality and refreshment, prayer and healing, learning and discipleship. The church builds on these foundations today and long for the deep wells of God’s love and mercy to flow through our lives, church, community and beyond.

The mission of Trentham Parish church is ‘Sharing the Love of Jesus’.

What is working well with children and families?

Children are fully integrated into life at Trentham and children’s groups run every Friday called Next Level Younger Basement for yr 4-6 and Next Level Basement for yr7-yr11. On a Sunday there are groups for the babies through to the teenagers.

Little Stars

parents and toddlers in a large cleared space at the front of church singing an action songThe church runs two successful distinctly Christian toddler groups every week on a Tuesday called Little Stars which engage with many families in the local community. Little Stars is run by an amazing team who commit to praying for each session and each of the families. 

The families really see the toddler group as their church family and community, I think the parents enjoy it more than the kids sometimes. They plan their return to work around Tuesdays so they don't miss Little Stars! During the praise and play, the parents/grandparents and the children all sing and do the actions, we use instruments and parachutes during some of the songs. We celebrate children's birthdays with a card. 

When it's time for children to leave us to go to preschool or school we always, give them a certificate and a gift of a book that tells them how much Jesus loves them. We also pray for them all at the front. The parents are normally in tears because they don't want to leave and their babies are growing up. 

We invite the toddlers to join in with the whole church nativity at Christmas and we often get a a giraffe or a Gruffalo in the stable scene, but it is fantastic they come and feel like family.

We have had other events during the year like an Easter trail, light parties and youth clubs which older siblings come to and get involved in church life too. 

Little Stars used to run as one group, but it grew in numbers so it made sense to split the groups in two. The first session runs from 9.15-10.30 and the second session runs from 11-12.15. The format of the Little Stars sessions are the same with time for play and chat, plus drinks and biscuits with crafts linking in with the themes that are talked about in the Bible story. After the play time the families gather to join in with ‘Praise and Play’ which consists of children’s worship songs and playing musical instruments,  prayers and Bible Story, we have a flip chart for the children to take in turns to turn over, this is also displayed on the big screens. Little Stars is a great time for families to meet together and experience the love of Jesus in different ways throughout the session. This is their Church and they love it.

What have you learned?

  • I have learnt the value of spending time with the families and the toddlers makes a huge difference. It’s great catching up with how the adults and their children are doing.
  • Seeing them week in and week out is a real privilege knowing that as the Little Stars team we have the opportunity to be a part of the family’s journey sharing the love of Jesus with them.
  • Giving us opportunities to pray with them when they are going through hard times and celebrating with them when life is going well.




Page last updated: Wednesday 28th February 2024 9:38 AM
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