Safeguarding Learning and Development (Training)

Welcome to the Diocese of Lichfield pages on safeguarding learning and development. Here you will find all you need in respect of safeguarding training and developments locally and nationally. 

Safeguarding is at the centre of our faith, in our practice, in our worship, in our praying, and in our believing. The safeguarding learning pathways support participants in developing and maintaining the necessary values, beliefs, knowledge and skills to safeguard and protect children, young people, and vulnerable adults.

Below we outline the pathways, who they are for and how to join. Should you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact Sarah Fullard, Safeguarding Training Officer via email.

National Safeguarding Learning and Development Pathways

Diagram of the Safeguarding Learning & Development Pathways (core, issue-based, role-specific, toolkit and professional development for safeguarding staff)

The table below out lines what training is required for specific roles, it is not exhaustive. We recognise there are many roles within the church. If you are unsure of what training to complete for your role, please speak to your Parish Safeguarding Officer or get in touch with Sarah Fullard




(non PTO i.e.
all holding licence,
Local Lay
Ministers/ Readers
(all holding a
bishop’s licence)
Church Wardens
PCC members
(not in vacancy)
Church wardens
(where there’s
a vacancy)
Children/youth/ adults
workers and leaders
and tower captains
All volunteer
helpers for
and adults2
All church officers3
who are
public facing
in their role
All other
church officers

Basic Awareness

x x x x x x x x x x


x x x x x x x x x  


x   x x   x x      












PSO Induction











Safer recruitment4











Domestic Abuse









X= Required, R= Recommended. (Use your mouse/finger to scroll across the table to see requirements for other roles)

  1. This course is for all readers and clergy with PtO (Permission to Officate) unless specifically directed to complete the Leadership course
  2. This includes Bell ringers who are involved in teaching.
  3. Church officers are people who have a role within the church. Church officers who meet the public in their role may include vergers, welcomers, caretakers, refreshment teams,
  4. This is also for anyone involved in the recruitment of Church Officers (employees, elected members, and volunteers) and those with responsibility for administering DBS.

For full details and information about who should do which course please see the Diocese of Lichfield Safeguarding Training Stategy 2025

Renewal of Safeguarding Training.

Training needs to be undertaken and refreshed every 3 years. The mandatory requirement set by the National Safeguarding Team is to refresh the highest level of training, however it is considered best practice to renew all levels of safeguarding training every 3 years.

In the Diocese of Lichfield we strive to follow best practice to ensure the highest standards of safeguarding. We expect everyone to refresh their training at all levels every three years. This approach helps maintain a consistent and up to date understanding of safeguarding principles and practices across our Diocese.

Participants are strongly advised to keep their certificate as a record and proof of completion. It is the responsibility of individuals to ensure their training is up to date and for those licenced to minister this licence is dependent upon you holding valid and in date safeguarding training.

Access to the different pathways

The following modules are all available online through the National Safeguarding Team and can be accessed here: Home | Safeguarding: Training Portal (

  • Basic Awareness
  • Foundation
  • Safer Recruitment and People Management
  • Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Instructions on how to register and access the online learning can be found here: Learning and Development | The Church of England

When registering please ensure you select Lichfield diocese and clearly list the parish to which you belong. You can allow your PSO to review your training records by inputting their email address in the box marked ‘Local reporting’

Other Safeguarding training courses are run by the diocese details of the course and how places are allocated etc are below:

Leadership Training

Leadership training aims to connect the church’s mission and theological foundations with what good leadership behaviour looks like in a safeguarding context, to allow participants to evaluate their own leadership practice and explore further what healthy Christian communities look like. This training is predominately delivered online via zoom over 2 sessions which last a maximum of 2 hours. You must attend both sessions and complete the evaluation exercise to receive a certificate for this course. The diocese will endeavour to invite Clergy, LLMs and PSO’s who need to complete/renew their training by email. Invitations are sent 4-6 weeks in advance of training dates. For other parish roles which require leadership training, including churchwardens in vacancy, please do contact us to add your name to our waiting lists. Should you believe your Leadership training is out of date please don’t hesitate to contact us and we shall book you on a course as soon as possible. Where there are dates with availability, we will publicise these below.

Permission To Officiate (PTO)

Ordained clergy with PTO, Readers with PTO and LLMs with PTO (who are not required to do the leadership training) are trained using the safeguarding PTO Pathway materials. The PTO Pathway aims to enable participants to explore and reflect on the safeguarding dimensions involved in the ministry of these roles. The PTO course will be delivered online via zoom over 2 sessions which last a maximum of 2 hours and invitations will be sent via email 4-6 weeks in advance of training dates. You must attend both sessions and complete the evaluation exercise to receive a certificate for this course.  Where there are dates with availability, we will publicise these below.

Parish Safeguarding Officer Induction

The PSO induction is run in one 3-hour session via zoom and aims to equip learners with an understanding of their role and induct them into key working practices and relationships. It is primarily for newly appointed PSO’s but we welcome expressions of interest from those who have been in post some time and wish to attend as a refresher. We will endeavour to invite newly appointed PSO’s when this course is scheduled and any upcoming dates for this course are also listed below. If there are no available dates, please do get in touch as we run this course when there is a need to do so.

Domestic Abuse Awareness

There has been an update to the domestic abuse training module. Best practice is this is now completed face to face. We are currently looking at how we facilitate this face to face across the diocese and will provide an update shortly.

In Person Training

Whilst we predominately run courses via zoom if you have any additional needs which mean that accessing training online is not possible, please contact us directly so we can discuss your needs further. We hold a limited number of in person training events for Leadership and PTO each year and can provide support and materials to parishes where basic and foundation training is required face to face. For parishes who wish to run in person basic and foundation modules a request must be made to the diocesan safeguarding training officer so that the most up to date materials are provided and support for this is appropriately provided.

Upcoming Training Dates




Session 1

Session 2


We send invites for Leadership and PTO cohorts about 6 weeks in advance of training – dates shown above are where there is additional availability.

Sarah Fullard, Safeguarding Training Officer

Page last updated: Wednesday 19th March 2025 11:55 AM
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