DVE Projects

Discipleship - Vocation - Evangelism workmark in a spectrum of colours

As part of the focus on discipleship, vocation and evangelism (DVE), diocesan staff are invited to participate in a number of DVE projects, each of which seeks to take forward one or more of these three priorities. DVE projects range from being shortmid length pieces of work which seek to enhance an aspect of DVE. The projects are intended to be collaborative and cross-teams so that anyone who is interested in a particular area of work can contribute to an existing project, or indeed suggest and develop a new one. The projects offer a creative way of working on areas that do not necessarily fall under the remit of any existing team and allow for a range of imaginative approaches to developing discipleship, encouraging vocation and inspiring evangelism.

The DVE projects were launched in September 2018 at the opening of Three Spires House. 

Current Projects

The Waters Edge engaging with Scripture

This project seeks to draw together a whole range of ways to encourage people to read, listen to, and engage with the bible. From dipping your toe in the water to diving into the deep end, Waters Edge brings together a range of resources, events and ways of supporting new and deepening engagement with Scripture.

Practising Generosity

What we do with what we have our lives, gifts, money, resources is a core question for Christian life. Practising Generosity is a developing suite of resources to help individuals and Christian communities reflect on what generous living looks like in their own context.

Slave to Fashion?

The Slave to Fashion? project focuses on awareness raising of the human and environmental cost of the fast fashion and textile industry. It explores care for our neighbour and responsible consumerism as a way of thinking about what it means to be followers of Christ in everyday life, in the clothes we buy and wear and in our awareness of the plight of brothers and sisters around the world.

Talking Jesus

This national Church of England resource is a way of helping people take small steps to talk about Jesus. The project seeks to offer material to every parish in the Lichfield Diocese and to encourage and support the use of the material to enable more and more people to talk Jesus.

Choosing the Future

This project focuses on developing a resource for young people in Year 9 who are about to choose their options. It encourages them to think about who they want to be, what sort of choices they want to make in life and how they are going to make them. It introduces the idea of calling and discernment. This is delivered as two lesson plans and will be available to all secondary schools.

Page last updated: Tuesday 28th January 2020 4:15 PM
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