Ministry Development Reviewers

Salop Area

Revd Prebendary Adrian Bailey - Oswestry

I was a stipendiary priest in the Lichfield Diocese for 28 years until I retired in 2019.  I remain active in part time ministry with a PTO and live in Oswestry, Shropshire.

I have served in town and country parishes, was Rural Dean of Oswestry for 8 years, and was a half time lead hospital chaplain for 18 years. I have been both a school and a hospital governor. Though my own ecclesiastical tradition is middle of the road, chaplaincy has taught me to work with a variety of traditions. It also taught me the importance of being slow to speak and quick to listen attentively and non-judgementally.

I was involved in appraisal and development in my previous career in the Civil Service and as a hospital chaplain. And of course, I have had direct experience of using the current MDR system myself.

I recognise the challenge of ministry in a world where change, already rapid, has accelerated due to the pandemic. I would love to be able to work with people to help discern God’s path through it all. So, when I saw the appeal by the ministry department for more reviewers, I felt God was calling me to offer myself.

Revd Dr John Darch - Ellesmere

I’ve recently retired after 36 years of full-time ministry, almost equally divided between parish ministry and theological education. I served in parishes in Lichfield and Chester dioceses (including being Vicar of Hyde when Dr Shipman was one of our local GPs…). In that period. I also served as training incumbent and rural dean. For seven years I was lecturer in Church History and Liturgy at of St John’s Nottingham and most recently I served as Director of Ordinands and IME2 in Blackburn diocese. Throughout that time, I was actively involved in local parishes.

Married, with three adult sons and one cat, I enjoy reading (history, poetry, Detective novels), music and walking, particularly in hilly and mountainous areas.

Much of my ministry has involved walking with others on their journeys of faith and vocation – parishioners, Reader Candidates, Ordination Candidates, Ordinands, Curates and Parish Clergy – and I am happy to continue this as an MDR Reviewer.

Revd Preb. Pat Hawkins - Ellesmere

I was ordained priest in this Diocese in 2002 and served as Vicar of the parish of Oxley, in Wolverhampton from 2004-2014, and as Rural Dean of Wulfrun Deanery.

In 2014 I moved to the Cathedral to be Canon Chancellor with special responsibility for pastoral development and mission. In February 2020 I returned to parish ministry and am now Vicar of Ellesmere in north Shropshire.  

Prior to ordination I was an Anglican Franciscan sister for thirteen years and I have many years’ experience in spiritual companionship, in exploring and nurturing vocation and in formation and training. Since 2010 I have represented the Diocese on General Synod. I am single, with close family ties with my sister and her adult family.

Revd Chris Thorpe - Shifnal

I was ordained in 1988 and have ministered in suburban, urban priority area, rural and market town parishes. During that time, I have been interested in vocations, ministry review, community ministry, and liturgy, and have written several resource books for the wider church. I am a passionate vegetable gardener, enjoy sea fishing, and walking.

Stafford Area

Revd Chris Coupe - Chell

I am married to Josie and we have 3 adult children and five grandchildren. I am Vicar of Chell Parish in Stoke on Trent, where I have been since we moved here from Lancashire in September 2016. Prior to Stipendiary Ministry, I was a Reader for 17 years, and I worked in the papermaking industry for 30 years in sales and business development for several different paper mills.

In 2009, I moved into working in the NHS as a Facilities and Operations Manager, where I remained as a Minister in Secular Employment following my ordination; yet also working in parish (where I served my curacy) which was within the same area.

To coin a line from a film, ‘I come with a very particular skill set…’ influenced by my route into ordination, a route I feel privileged to be led and guided through by others; thus I would feel very privileged to listen to your story, help you to value yourself as a person and Christian minister in all that you are and do, and I would be pleased to offer you the opportunity to facilitate your review in an open and relaxed style. May you be blessed and be a blessing in your work for the Kingdom of God.

Revd Dr David Isiorho - Loggerheads

I am no stranger to rural ministry having been a country parson serving seven churches in Peterborough Diocese. I trained for ministry at Westcott House, Cambridge, and completed my curacy at St Mary’s Abbey, Nuneaton.

I was born in Windsor, studied at Liverpool for my first degree and worked as a Social Worker in London before ordination.

I continued to study part-time and completed a master’s degree at Warwick University followed by a Doctorate at Bradford. Last year I published my first book - MISSION, ANGUISH AND DEFIANCE: A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF BLACK CLERGY DEPLOYMENT IN THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. From the start, I should say that, as an Anglican, I find myself critical of my own tradition, because I am very familiar with its foibles and idiosyncrasies, and this has sometimes involve using polemic to challenge its senior leadership. My critique is motivated by a genuine love of the Church of England because I care deeply about this organisation.

I am a priest with thirty years’ experience in Holy Orders. I was brought up an Anglican, in the tradition of Anglo-Catholicism, although I now describe myself as Church of England, liberal, reformed and catholic. It was not a smooth journey to ordination despite my early awareness that priesthood was my vocation. My Blackness posed difficulties. It continues to present a challenge to the White institution of the Church of England. In my ministry and in my academic work, justice, compassion and mercy are key.

I cannot divorce my scholarly interests from my ministry as the one energises the other in that very traditional Anglican way.

I am now Rector for the Loggerheads Benefice in north Staffordshire. I came to this ministry from inner city Birmingham via Cornwall where I was responsible for three coastal parishes. I am computer literate and have just upgraded to Windows 11. I am married to Linda, who is also a priest, but we don’t work together as we want to stay married. When we are not working, the Isiorhos can be found in front of the fire enjoying a glass of wine and animated conversation. We are owned by a cat called Sir Micky Mango Socrates (no need to curtsey or bow).

Revd Michael Metcalf - Stafford

b. 1937 London. MA Cambridge (Maths, Theology, Philosophy of Religion); Ridley Hall.  1964-7 Curate, Christ Church, Downend, Bristol.  PGCE Birmingham. 

1968-71 Teaching RE, Birmingham. 1972-83 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies, Teacher Training, Walsall.  

OU Tutor, Man’s/The Religious Quest.  1983-94 Diocesan Director of Education, Lichfield.  1994-2005 Vicar St. Paul’s, Stafford; RD Stafford 2000-5. 

Prebendary Emeritus, Lichfield. Married to Beryl; grown-up son and daughter.  Two cats, cottage in Shropshire hills.  County Chaplain, Staffordshire St. John.  Rotarian.  Still involved in RE nationally and locally, also in interfaith work.

Long-standing interest in contemporary church music.  Leisure activities include bridge, crosswords, etc.  Climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro 2003, fundraising for MAF.

Wolverhampton Area

Matt Aldridge - Wolverhampton 

I’m married with three young boys and live in Wolverhampton. I am a registered nurse with almost 25 years’ experience across the NHS, private sector and latterly in higher education as an Academic. I have a particular interest in the development of learning and teaching, and the use of technology-enhanced learning. I have a breadth of experience in reflective practice, coaching and peer support. In my current role I am passionate about staff development and enjoy supporting and encouraging others to realise their potential. I have been a licensed lay minister (reader) since 2016 and I am involved in a range of ministry activities in my home church, though I have also held various roles lay roles over the years. I look forward to helping you reflect on your ministry through the MDR process. I’m also happy to explore different means of communication (online and face to face or a blended approach). 

Philip Ashmore - Willenhall

I am part of the congregation of Holy Trinity, Willenhall and serve as a Verger. I retired from full time employment in 2017 although I do some part time work for my former employer.

I enjoyed a successful career as a manager in Social Housing, working in local government, for the Housing regulator, and for a local Housing Association working in Worcestershire and Gloucestershire.  

I have served on the board of a NHS hospital for six years and I have served on the Independent Monitoring Board of three prisons over 20 years, currently at HMP Stafford.  

I have a keen interest in the history of Christianity, especially the first four hundred years. I have supported people through staff development and appraisal and I am always pleased to be able to assist people to further their prospects in their chosen careers.

Dr Veronica Coatham - Lichfield

My working life has been spent in the public sector working for local authority housing departments and then higher education where I taught housing and planning students seeking professional accreditation.

It was through this work that I became very interested in community regeneration and the skills and competences that practitioners need to deliver successful outcomes in a range of situations. This led to my completing a Ph.D. in 2013 which focused on 3 connecting themes – personal and professional development, organisational change and user engagement. I have also been a board and committee member of several housing associations, community based social enterprises and a school governor. 

After leaving higher education I worked for several years as a housing and education consultant. I am now retired. Throughout my working like I have been involved with staff development and appraisal both as an appraiser and as someone being appraised and I am now happy to use these experiences to support minsters working in the Lichfield diocese. I am very familiar with the issues that clergy and their families can face as my father was a vicar. 

And I am also married to a self-supporting minister based at St Leonards, Wiggington in the Tamworth Deanery though we live in Lichfield. I worship at St Michaels, Lichfield and am now PCC secretary.

Revd Debra Dyson - Wiggington

Hi, I am an Incumbent in the parish of Wigginton, just outside Tamworth where I have been for 12 years during which time I have also had experience of Rural Dean work and as an Assistant DDO as well as engaging with MDRs.

The opportunity to review our ministry regularly with the support of someone else from ‘outside’ our usual circle of support is a real benefit to each of us in ministry. It can encourage, surprise, help us to discern, and make a difference. It is a tool for us to use. It is a privilege to be a sounding board for colleagues and to be able to learn about their ministry and share in their experience, ideas and faith in the God who calls us.

Andrew Farrow - Lichfield

I have been a Reader for 20 years, currently in both Lichfield and Birmingham diocese, my time is split between St Peter’s Little Aston and St Johns Middleton. I am married with 3 children, the youngest is completing his A levels.

I am a Chartered Fellow of the British Computer Society and have worked as an IT manager for the last 25 years since returning to the West Midlands after working in the South-East, Hull and Scotland. As a manager I have worked closely supporting the professional development of many colleagues during that time. I have reduced my hours in the last few years so can be available during the day as well as evenings and weekends. I am a keen cyclist and enjoying discovering the different parts of the diocese.

Rev. Fr. Andrew Lythall - Tamworth

Born in Cheshire, I studied Computer Science and Politics before training for the priesthood at Cranmer Hall, Durham. I was ordained in 2010 and following an incumbency in Chester diocese I worked as Canon Precentor at Birmingham Cathedral, before returning to parish ministry.

I am currently the Vicar in Tamworth. My ministerial interests include liturgy, systematics and Eucharistic theology. I'm a lifelong lover of music, art and poetry; in my spare time, I also enjoy writing, astronomy, golf, playing with Lego and spending time with my noisy children.

I'm rooted in the Catholic tradition but have wide experience of the theological spectrum and am very open minded to other approaches. I would be pleased to support you in your ministry, and it would be my privilege to work alongside you to help you to flourish.

Revd Alison Morris - Pelsall

I am currently Interim Minister in Charge at St. Michael’s & All Angels, Pelsall. The role offers a varied opportunity to minister in an active and busy parish.        Within the diocese I also act as a SIAMS inspector with Lichfield Diocese and chair the School Standards and Effectiveness Committee. In 1997 I became a Lay Reader within an UPA parish where I held several positions.

Prior to ordination I worked in education full time for 27 years in schools and other sectors of education covering many executive and senior roles both in senior management and in an advisory capacity.

This included responsibility for training, professional development and performance management of teaching and support staff both in school and across the borough. At times it also included mentoring and counselling on an individual basis.

Revd Brian Rostill - Lichfield

Married to Barbara, celebrating our Golden Wedding anniversary in 2022. We have three grown up children and several grandchildren and have made our final home in Lichfield after retiring from ministry on Christmas Day 2021.

Prior to ordination I worked for 30+ years for British Telecom before being ordained into full time ministry at the tender age of 53 years.

I am wedded to the concept of 'life-long learning' and believe that every day is an opportunity to learn.

At BT I was a trained and professional facilitator and personnel assessor with extensive interviewing experience both internal and external to BT. In earlier times (whilst employed by BT) I worked voluntarily for the Adult Literacy Institute teaching adults the rudiments of basic Maths and English.

I was part of a Company Wide Job Evaluation team that undertook the task of grading every role in the Company against every other role.

I spent three years as “Continuing Improvement Manager” running workshops for every member of the company from CEO downwards with the aim of changing the culture of how we worked as a company and with each other.

My final role in BT was Manager of an International Training School, where for the majority of the students, English was not the first language. We were an integral and founder member of an International Consortium with the USA, France and Japan, as co-partners.

I was ordained in 2003 after spending two years at Cranmer Hall in Durham. After my curacy in Andover I moved to Boyatt Wood, both in the diocese of Winchester.  I was then appointed as Rector in the Parish of St Mary in Jersey in the Channel Islands where I spent five years before taking a posting in the Church of St Chad in Hopwas, Tamworth in the Diocese of Lichfield.  The last nine years of my ministry was as a supposed “House–for-Duty” Minister.  I now have Permission to Officiate at St Michael’s in Lichfield.

Hilary Southern - Essington

I have spent part of my career in the Rail Industry as a Training & Development Manager and am a qualified trainer.  I am also qualified as a skills assessor (Units D32 / 33) and internal verifier (Unit D34). 

My responsibilities have included training and mentoring of people, together with support for Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

I also have experience of performance appraisal in the workplace.

I have continued to provide assessment and verification in various professional disciplines ever since.

I have worshipped at a Methodist Church for most of my life but became an active member of the Anglican Church 10 years ago.

I am secretary to St. John’s PCC in Essington, Wolverhampton and am also part of a fund-raising group at the church.

I also serve as a Foundation governor at St. John’s Primary School.

I enjoy being with people and am trained in first-contact general welfare counselling. I feel that I can bring my skills and experience to the MDR process.

Page last updated: Thursday 5th September 2024 2:31 PM
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