Our Diocesan Staff

Our outward facing departments have come together under the banner of discipleship, vocation and evangelism (DVE) in DVE teams. Our Central Administrative Support Teams work closely with the DVE teams to help equip people in discipleship, vocation and evangelism.

The legal entity that performs most of the work of the Diocese and employs its staff is the Lichfield Diocesan Board of Finance. It undertakes many functions on behalf of the Bishop of Lichfield and his team and also for many parishes. 

But each parish is a separate legal entity, a charity under civil law, that is managed by its legal trustees who are the elected members of its PCC (Parochial Church Council).


DVE Teams

Support Teams


Unacceptable Behaviour towards DBF Staff

This policy is designed to cover our external interactions and applies to all individuals or groups of individuals with whom DBF staff interact as part of their job role, but who are not employed by the DBF.

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