The Mission Team works with Lichfields schools, parishes, fresh expressions, chaplaincies, along with the cathedral, to energise, resource and support them in mission and evangelism. Mission and evangelism are the calling of all forms of Christian community and ministry. The team supports that by providing:
- News, learning and the latest issues and good practice;
- Knowledge, processes and skill development for those in our frontlines;
- Facilitation and support for teams and networks;
- Insight and resource to senior clergy and staff;
- An interface with Church House and the wider church.
Reflecting the diversity of Gods creation, we recognise that each school, parish, fresh expression and chaplaincy has its own unique context and community, as of course, does the cathedral. Mission and evangelism are therefore particular and distinctive in every setting. We work collaboratively with people as experts in their own mission field. We believe that discovering evangelism and mission in context can be joyful as well as challenging and look forward to sharing and supporting the dioceses frontlines in that.
The Revd Simon Foster
Mobile: 07496 638805
Team Leader and Chaplaincy and Mission Strategy EnablerKey Contact for
The Venerable Dr Susan Weller, Archdeacon of Lichfield
Office: 01543 306145
Mobile: 07583 119740
Archdeacon MissionerWorking alongside;
Laura Edwards
Mobile: 07359 069392
Evangelism Enabler (0-12 Focus)Key contact for
Alex Wolvers
Office: 01543 622434
Mobile: 07948 077004
Schools Mission EnablerKey Contact for;
The Revd Catherine Matlock
Mobile: 07944 728782
Pioneer MissionerKey contact for;
Richard Barrett
Office: 01543 622592
Executive Assistant to the Mission TeamKey contact for;
Jules Smith
Mobile: 07498 192669
Strategic Ministry Development Officer.Jules will shape a programme of training and development opportunities for Christian leaders at a time of change. The programme will support chaplains, pioneers, school heads and lay officers alongside parish clergy. |