Smestow Vale Team



Monthly services:

St Benedict’s - 2 Sunday morning services / evensong once a month / Taize prayer once a month / afternoon baptism services x2 per month / midweek holy communion x 1 per week / morning prayer x 6 days a week

The Venerable Bede - one midweek service each week

Bobbington - 2 per month

Swindon - 2 per month

Himley - 1 per week

Trysull - 1 Sunday morning service each week / extra 8am x2 per month / evensong x2 per month

Schools, colleges:

plus the following community schools where we have links through Open the Book / Assemblies / School Christmas Services



Training Incumbent
The Revd Julia Cody

Trained: Ridley Hall, Cambridge . Deaconed: 2008 Lichfield

I was ordained in 2008 and have served north, west and south of Wolverhampton! My curacy was in Penkridge; then became Team Vicar in Perton, an LEP with the URC. After 11½ years, in 2023, I moved to serve as Team Rector of Smestow Vale. I’m also Rural Dean of Trysull and currently Acting Archdeacon of Walsall. Although not local, I love it and God seems to want me here! I grew up in Somerset, and prior to ordination lived and worked/studied in Reading, Cambridge, London, Budapest and Vienna. I share my home with Missy, who keeps me muddy!

TI/parish stance on LLF

We have not yet discussed the use of PLF here at Smestow Vale.

The context

Smestow Vale lies just a few miles from Wolverhampton city centre, yet proudly in Staffordshire and rural. There are 5 parishes, 4 of which are unique small village communities. On a day-to-day basis, the Team Vicar looks after these 4, serving the small church families, villages and three church schools. Wombourne is also a village, reputedly the largest in England with over 15,000 people who call it home. My focus is daily parish life in Wombourne and overseeing the Team as we seek to work together on key areas of mission and ministry.

In Wombourne, we have a part-time Administrator and part-time Children’s Worker, who both bring great gifts to support different ministries e.g. Open the Book, links with all local church and community schools, toddler groups, Messy Church etc. There are many great volunteers in our church families. Having only been here a year or so, it’s an exciting time in the life of the Team as we begin to discern how God is leading us to build on all that’s gone before. There’s so much potential to develop greater community engagement and to reach out, particularly to families and young people. 

There are people who lead services in local residential facilities, and scope to develop this further. We have a faithful choir and are blessed with three organists and it’d be great to develop our sung worship as we also review the pattern of services we offer, and discern and train lay worship leaders and preachers. We have started to offer small group courses as we seek to deepen discipleship. There are also a steady number of all occasional offices. Smestow Vale offers a breadth of opportunities and the possibility of being part of the Team at this exciting time.

Mission statistics (2023)

  Electoral Roll Usual Sunday Attendance Adults Usual Sunday Attendance Children Thanksgivings Baptisms Marriages Funerals (church) Funerals (crem)
Bobbington Holy Cross 19 5 0 0 3 2 5 1
Himley St Michael and All Angels 38 63 1 0 2 0 6 0
Swindon St John the Evangelist 8 4 2 0 0 0 2 1
Trysull All Saints 73 31 4 0 5 0 16 3
Wombourne St Benedict Biscop 207 96 9 0 25 11 29 19
Wombourne The Venerable Bede 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 345 199 16 0 35 13 58 24
Page last updated: Friday 26th July 2024 2:36 PM
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