Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Welcome to the Wellbeing pages. The diocesan provision to support ministerial and staff wellbeing includes a flexible range of support and resources which we hope will meet your individual needs at various times.

“Jesus came that we might have life and life in all its fullness. Those of us who are called to serve as ordained ministers know that sometimes the pressures of ministry diminish that sense of abundant life. Looking after our own wellbeing is a not a kind of sanctified selfishness – it is part of our ongoing discipleship and vocation. Our “being well” is a thing to be cherished, not least because, if we are thriving, then those with whom we minster will thrive too. As senior staff, we are committed to put place all we can to support you in your ministry.”

Some of the resources are designed to support you through more stressful, tough times, and some are designed to walk alongside you, offering strategic, reflective, and spiritual accompaniment.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.”  Matthew 11:28 (MSG)


Diocese of Lichfield wellbeing support, in alphabetic order:

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Bishop's Visitors

Bishop's Visitors act on behalf of the Diocesan Bishop in cases where a clergy spouse may need practical help and emergency financial provision because the couple are separating.

CDM - support during and after the process

Support with the process can be accessed through the Bishops of Lichfield's chaplain.

Clergy spouses and partners

The Listening Ear Counselling service is available to spouses and partners

Clergy Wellbeing THRIVES

Questions and resources to aid clergy wellbeing

Counselling: The Listening Ear

Do you need a confidential space to talk about the things it is difficult to share with those around you?

Pastoral Supervision

This form of ministerial accompaniment offers a regular, confidential, reflective space to support you in your ministry. (For Clergy)

Personal Safety

The personal safety of clergy, paid church staff and volunteers – as well as that of members of the congregation and of other building users – should be an important consideration for any church community as part of our care for each other’s wellbeing.

Reflective Practice Groups

This is a supportive group space in which the group agree to hold confidential space for each other.

Resources & Links

Resources and links

Retired Clergy

The provision which is in place is under the auspices and with the support of Bishop Michael and is an expression of his and his fellow bishops pastoral care of the clergy and their families within the Diocese of Lichfield, who are in retirement (whether still active or not).

Retreat Centres

Retreat centres

Rooting & Grounding Groups

Information on rooting and grounding groups

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is a chance to ask 'Where is God in this?' and entails meeting with a trained Spiritual Companion who will listen and reflect with you on any aspect of life and the possibility of prayer

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