Week 1
Electricity/ energy = affordable, clean, renewable,
- switching to a renewable energy provider
- Turn down the thermostat
- Turn off lights when not in a room
- Install low energy light bulbs / LED
- Air dry clothes
- Don’t leave devices on standby
- Switch to a water flosser
- Insulate your home
- Get double glazing
- Install solar panels
- Use washing machine colder cleaning cycles
- Use a fan in the winter to circulate warm air and reduce heating bills
- Shut windows/doors when heating or air conditioning is running
Work Life
- Turn off lights when not in a room
- Install low energy light bulbs
- Don’t leave devices on standby
- Invest in eco friendly technology (high energy efficiency)
- Unplug work computers/monitors at night
- Take simple energy efficiency steps (eg switch to low-energy bulbs, put heating on a timer switch, eliminate draughts, improve insulation, service the boiler, turn off lights, switch off computer equipment)
- Switch to a green energy supplier
- Undertake an energy audit and monitor emissions
- Install solar panels or other renewable sources of energy
Week 2
Water- issues around pollution for species and for humans, toilet twinning
- Turn off the water when brushing your teeth
- Switch to low flow shower head
- Repair leaky taps etc
- Take shorter showers
- Wash fruit and veg in a bowl and reuse water for watering plants – also reuse water from boiling pasta/potatoes/veg etc (as long as not salted!)
- Always fill the dishwasher (if you have off peak energy in the evening – run it then!)
- Twin your toilet – at home/work/church
- Collect rainwater to re-use in the garden
- Harvest rain water (eg for toilets) and re-use ‘grey’ water for church gardens
Week 3
Trees, deforestation – reducing CO2
- grow my own food
- Leave part of the garden wild and plant bee friendly plants
- Plant wildflowers
- Put up bat/bird boxes
- Plant a veg garden
- Grow your own herbs
- Plant a tree (or a few!)
- Create a composting system
- cycle instead of driving
- walk more drive less
- walk to work whatever the weather
- offset my flights
- choose an electric car as your next car
- give up your car
- rent a hybrid car when on holiday
- car share where possible
- empty the boot/remove roof rack – light cars use less fuel
Work Life
- video conferencing instead of flying/travelling
- Undertake a Carbon Fast for Lent
- Travel
- Encourage people to walk or cycle to church (install bicycle racks)
- Outdoors
- Start a compost bin and use it for church gardening projects
- Plant a remembrance garden
Week 4
Environment and eschatology
- spend more time in nature
- Take part in environmental volunteering
- Preach on creation care as central to the mission of the church
- Preach on climate justice and how climate change is impacting those who are least responsible, stressing the need for simple, low-carbon lifestyles as part of Christian discipleship
- Preach on the goodness of creation as a life-giving gift from God and our role as stewards to love and protect what God has made and to love our neighbours as ourselves
- Give a talk at a PCC meeting or other local meeting or event about climate change and what the church can do.
- Introduce environmental activities into children’s/youth work
- Display materials on climate justice / caring for creation from the Christian charities supported by your church (eg Christian Aid, Tearfund, All We Can, CAFOD)
- Screen film clips from Christian charities (eg Christian Aid, Tearfund) showing how climate change is already hurting our global neighbours
- Start a ‘green group’ in your church which leads worship, carries out green actions, holds workshops on living simply, and writes green articles for church publications
- Display a wide range of materials on environmental/climate issues from faith-led organisations (eg Operation Noah, Tearfund, Christian Aid, A Rocha, CAFOD), including actions people can take
- Encourage church members to support the environmental/climate campaigns led by the faith charities supported by your church
- Hold events or debates on environmental issues inviting external speakers, or show environmental or campaign films
- Offer study courses or Bible studies exploring environmental concerns, such as Operation Noah’s Lent course Climate Change and the purposes of God
- Make green issues a regular part of your church communications, eg parish magazines, newsletters, website or blogs featuring environmental concerns, green lifestyle tips and campaign actions and events
- Disseminate information about climate change campaigns from environmental and faith NGOs
- Publicise key national or local actions or events, such as the national climate marches, speaker events, etc
- Go for walks as a congregation
- Hold a service or have quiet times of contemplation outside
- Hold a plant sale to raise money for charity
- Work in partnership with the wider community on environmental projects or events
- Lead a microgeneration project in your community
- Work on environmental projects with local schools, perhaps using your church yard as a ‘field project’
- Hold a ‘swishing’ event to swap clothes and encourage congregational sharing of goods (eg power tools, ladders) rather than buying new
- Get your church and PCC to express their concern about an environmental issue (eg fracking, fossil fuel investment, airport expansion) to local government, MPs or Church decision-makers through writing a letter
- Encourage your vicar to promote fossil-free church investment and pension policy with church leaders
- Get your church community to raise environmental concerns through official Church channels, for instance by submitting a motion for debate at national Synod
- Have members of your church or eco group contact senior church leaders, such as a bishop, to discuss environmental concerns and the role of the church
- Encourage your church to bank ethically and ensure they have an ethical investment policy for savings, including avoiding investment in fossil fuels
- Include the church’s role in care for creation and addressing climate change in your church mission statement
- Make the importance of addressing climate change as part of Christian discipleship a stated aim of your church’s values and ethos
- Contact your Diocesan Environment Officer (DEO) or equivalent to find out what is going on locally and to develop networks with other green churches
- Become an Eco-Congregation
- Start a Forest Church group
Week 5
Birds – buying organic helps birds habitats, Bird hunting – malta and Cyprus, Fish and over-fishing
- Beach clean-up, Reduce plastic
Home Life
- Use less plastic
- Recycle more
- Complete a waste audit of your home
- Say no to junk mail
- Switch to paperless bills/statements
- Reduce food waste
- Don’t take as many napkins/paper towels from dispensers
- Use cloth napkins
- Use reusable: shopping bag, cup for tea/coffee, baking mats, water bottle, food storage containers, Beeswax wraps instead of cling film, safety razor, makeup wipes, nappies/baby wipes, sanitary items
- Reduce what you buy – choose quality over quantity
- Use a Bamboo toothbrush
- Make own: cleaning supplies, zero waste toothpaste
- Take reusable cutlery with you
- Switch to an alum stone (zero waste deodorant)
- Don’t buy anything new for a year
- Don’t buy new clothes for a year (buy second hand/swap etc)
- Recycled toilet paper / paper towels
- Fix it don’t throw it away
- Use eco-friendly cleaning products
- Rather than using a stirrer in coffee/tea use spaghetti - which then dissolves in water or can be thrown away without the guilt
- Repair shoes and clothes
- Use magazine pages etc as wrapping paper
- Buy second hand furniture / electric items etc
- Cut face wipes, cotton pads, make up sponges etc in half
- Use non toxic nail varnish
- Donate unwanted clothes
- Use biodegradable cat litter (pine, corn or newspaper)
- Borrow, don’t buy.
- Do a regular litter pick
- Pick up litter when I walk the dog
- Downsize your home
- Make eco bricks
- Put a dash of vodka in cut flowers for them to last longer
- Decorate with plants and use old scarves etc to reupholster cushions
- Recycle batteries properly
Work Life
- recycle more
- Complete a waste audit of your work place
- Reduce what you buy – choose quality over quantity
- Say no to junk mail
- Do a regular litter pick
- Reduce food waste
- Sing hymns celebrating God’s creation
- Include prayers about environmental concerns in your church services
- Use poetry/reflections which emphasise the awe and wonder we feel in response to the beauty of God’s creation; how we feel closer to God when we are surrounded by all that he has made
- Celebrate Harvest
- Hold a Harvest supper serving/displaying local food
- Celebrate Creation Sunday
- Mark special environment days such as:
- Meat Free Monday
- FairTrade Fortnight (February)
- World Water Day (March)
- Earth Hour (March)
- Earth Day (April)
- International day for biological diversity (May)
- World Environment Day (5 June) and Environment Sunday (closest Sunday)
- World Oceans Day (June)
- Creation Time (September to October)
- World Car Free Day / walk to church Sunday (September)
- Good Money Week (mid-October)
- World Food Day (October)
- Buy Nothing Day (November)
- Reclaim Christmas (December)
- Encourage and protect biodiversity in your churchyard (eg by installing bird boxes, leaving wild areas, planting bee and bird-friendly shrubs and flowers).
- Join the Living Churchyards project working with local conservation groups
Week 6
Extinction rates in animals, Die – in, Human equality, Food
Food & Drink
- eat less meat
- Try and buy less food containing palm oil
- Have one ‘meat free’ day a week (or more!)
- Buy local food
- Eco/zero waste pet treats / food
- Plan your meals – minimise waste
- Don’t waste food
- Have your food shopping delivered – one journey for multiple orders
- Use the microwave - often more efficient than oven
- Cook from scratch
Church Building/Food/Goods
- Encourage the use of locally sourced, seasonal food for church meals
- Reduce, re-use, recycle, and refuse (to buy something new)
- Use washable plates, cups and cutlery instead of throw-away paper/plastic
- Become a Fairtrade church
- Get started on reducing the carbon footprint of your church: see the Church of England’s Shrinking the Footprint or the Methodist Carbon Reduction Programme
- Use your LOAF (Locally produced, Organically grown, Animal friendly, Fairly traded) in all food and drink served
- In addition to food, ensure your church purchase sustainably sourced, Fairtrade and environmentally friendly products, such as recycled paper, cleaning products, etc