On the edge of Shawbury lies the site of an old medieval moated manor house. This special site, now listed as a scheduled ancient monument is part of a plot owned by the Diocese of Lichfield, ancient glebe lands that once provided the income to pay for the local vicar.
Part of the site has been let for many years to Shawbury Parish Council but there was a further area of agricultural land which was not included. The whole area was becoming increasingly derelict.
For several years the Diocese through their agent, Michael Watney of Balfours, has been working with the Parish Council to improve this area for the benefit of the residents of Shawbury. The agricultural land was added to the area in Parish Council control. Recently new paths have been created to the additional land to open the area up and the Diocese agreed to help fund these paths by a 5000 donation.
The Parish Council themselves have done considerable work through organising working parties, obtaining grants etc and so residents now enjoy a large and attractive area for recreation, dog walking picnics etc. Children are encouraged to play, climb trees and enjoy the countryside in the way their parents would have done in their youth.
Last Saturday (26 October) the area was officially opened by Paul Joseland, Chairman the Diocesan Glebe Committee (pictured presenting the cheque (right) to Richard Bailey, project coordinator (left), flanked by Andy Mason, Director of Property for Lichfield Diocese (far left) and Michael Watney of Balfours LLP, land agent for the diocese.)
There are more photos on our Flickr stream.