The Community of St Chad met at the beginning of the month to celebrate its first anniversary as the first full biography of St Chad was launched.
An event full of powerful and poignant moments, over a hundred people were present to renew their commitment to the Community through local parish and area groups.
The story of St Chad was brought vividly to life by the Revd Simon Airey and the Bishop of Lichfield, The Rt Revd Jonathan Gledhill presided at a Eucharist with a liturgy written specially for the occasion.
Two authors were present: Tony Horsfall was the guest preacher. Well known as a church and retreat leader, he is also the author of 'Rhythms of Grace' (BRF 2004) which inspired the Five Rhythms of Grace on which the community is built.
Robert Mountford is a local author and church leader in Stoke-on-Trent and was previewing his new book 'The Mantle of St Chad' (now available at the Cathedral Shop. Other vendors are available).
It was a sad and happy day for the community as they said farewell to the Revd Barry Wilson, who together with Revd Philip Swan did much to launch the community. He is replaced by Dr Lindsey Hall, the diocese's Director of Lay Development.
The following video summarises the history of St Chad and the modern community he inspired.
Further information can be found at http://www.lichfield.anglican.org/ourdiocese/community-of-st-chad or on the Communitity's Facebook page.