"Without doubt, the best organised and delivered, and most relevant workshop I have ever attended".
The spring Preaching Workshop was offered by Richard Garnett, with support from Revd Simon Moore, Christina Walker and Neill Harvey-Smith.
It was two long days of prayer, reflection, learning, applying, trying things out and supporting each other. See for yourself here:
In feedback, clergy described their two days:
"The best preaching delivery training I have ever had."
"Training is supposed to make a difference - THIS DID! I saw the point and got a chance to test it."
"Im not overselling I genuinely thought it was superb training. Thank you."
"Keep up the excellent work in helping folk communicate the life transforming good news of Jesus Christ."
"New skills, new ideas and usable before the day is even over."
So should you come to the next one? The Spring attendees say:
"Stop thinking and turn up."
"Do everything you can to get a place on this workshop, and be prepared to be exhilarated, stretched, transformed and re-energised in communicating Gods Kingdom message!"
"I would want to encourage all preachers to take part in any future course."
"You owe it to your listeners. So, don't hesitate!"
"Attend! Every preacher needs a course like this if (s)he wants sermons to add value to people's Christian journey and make a difference."
Register your interest now with Neill Harvey-Smith. The autumn Preaching Workshop is on October 16 and 17, cost and location tbc. Places are limited.