People across the Diocese are being invited to make a donation towards a leaving gift for Bishop Geoff and Ann Annas.
Bishop Geoff announced in July that he will retire from his role in November. Diocesan Chief Executive Officer Julie Jones said: "We want to give people the chance to donate towards a leaving gift for Bishop Geoff and Ann, who will both be much missed.
Please send any gifts to the Finance Team at St Marys House, The Close, Lichfield, WS13 7LD, clearly marking the envelope Annas Leaving Gift. Cheques should be made payable to 'LDBF'.
Payment can also be made using sort code: 30-95-04, account no: 00030004, ref: 'Annas' in the description.
Gifts should be made before a special farewell service, celebrating the life of the Church and communities in North Staffordshire, on Sunday 24 November at Stoke Minster at 4pm. All are welcome.