Puppet Jack, who is 6 years old, interviewed Rt Reverend Jonathan Gledhill, Bishop of Lichfield, to launch Christian Aid Week 2014. The week, which started this weekend, is a major fundraising and awareness raising initiative challenging everyone to respond to global poverty. The interview with Bishop Jonathan was a chance for the Bishop to share a personal thank you to the many people who collect for the charity during this major fundraising week. Jack was then joined by Ken Knowles, Town Crier for Lichfield, for a tour of the town stopping to cry out a welcome to the week.
Bishop Jonathan explained why it was important to join in Christian Aid Week: It isnt fair that we have enough to eat and yet there are some children who go to sleep hungry each night
Bishop Jonathan used the interview as a chance to thank everyone who raised funds: Im here to say thank you to all the volunteers, the people who deliver the envelopes and do the collections and hold the buckets because it takes all of us together if we are going to do something that will change the world
After the interviews the town crier lead Jack and the collectors around central Lichfield, announcing to all citizens that the week had started. When the tour finished, Jack went to Wade Street Church to meet two young people (Josh and Beth Clayton) who organise a house to house collection and a bring and buy sale for Christian Aid. This years sale raised over 300.
All the interviews are part of a tour of the 7 cities of the west midlands meeting the many church leaders and local supporters that work hard to bring Christian Aid Week to the region. People are invited to follow the tour, and watch the videos that appear using a special twitter hashtag #7citiesin7days or direct on the twitter stream www.twitter.com/7citiesin7days.