The Bishop of Lichfield beamed into a meeting of Diocesan Synod from St Andrew's Cathedral in Singapore.
Bishop Michael was attending a missions conference at the cathedral organised by the Diocese of Singapore as part of a trip to visit dioceses linked to Lichfield also including West Malaysia, Kuching and Sabah.
He recorded a video at the conference which was played to a meeting of Diocesan Synod at Aldridge Parish Centre and also dialled in from the departure lounge at Penang airport for a live Skype conversation with synod members.
The video was played at Diocesan Synod during a session on the importance of world mission.
Bishop Michael said: "Being here brings home to me powerfully the sense of belonging to a worldwide family of Christians, called together into one fellowship and sharing a common mission. This is not just an abstract theory; thanks to the vitality of our diocesan links, I keep meeting people here who have visited Lichfield on pilgrimage, or who have been blessed by lay or ordained missionaries from our diocese, or who have among their relatives or friends St Chads Volunteers who live and work in the diocese. There is a real sense that we belong to one another, however different the places we live and work, and that we can learn from one another and pray for one another.
"So I am glad that todays Diocesan Synod meeting begins with a recognition of the importance of our involvement in world mission. Next summer, we are looking forward to welcoming a visit to Lichfield by a group from our linked dioceses in SE Asia, led by their archbishop and bishops, to subscribe a new covenant of partnership for a further five years. Central to that covenant, I hope, will be commitment to supporting one another in the three great priorities of renewing discipleship, multiplying vocation, and strengthening evangelism. These are important words, but sometimes they can seem difficult to understand or daunting to attempt. I believe that learning from the experience of our Anglican brothers and sisters in their very different settings can be a real help to us in working out what following Christ means in our own place - which means, of course, for us in the footsteps of St Chad. We have so much in common that makes the conversation possible; and we have so many differences that make it interesting."

During his video, Bishop Michael also commended the Setting God's People Free national report which calls for a culture change in the Church to see the 'whole people of God' - including clergy and lay people - set free for fruitful ministry in all areas of life, not just on a Sunday.
Lichfield Diocese is one of several to join a national pilot project to develop Setting God's People Free in a local setting.
Bishop Michael said: "It is an outward facing, well equipped and confident People of God that our world needs now more than ever, whether in South East Asia or in the North West Midlands."