A new book of resources for enriching worship through the church's year, from former Lichfield diocese priest and Director of Ordinands, Revd Preb Mark Geldard, has been published by SPCK and endorsed by Bishop Jonathan.
"This is the book of resources we've all been watining for!" he says. "In From Advent to Harvest, experienced parish priest Mark Geldard has created a workbook to encourage even those of us who are most fearful of visual presentations. He provides us with light-touch but thorough theological background for the main themes of the Christian year, as well as a simple introduction, fully worked-out presentations, and imaginative pointers. This book knows the value of storytelling; you won't regret buying and sharing it with your worship team."
For nearly twenty years up to 2007, Mark was responsible for helping new potential clergy through the process that led to ordination. He was then minister of Wigginton, near Tamworth until he retired to Sussex in 2011. Before coming to the diocese he ministered in Liverpool, and taught at Trinity College, Bristol.