Top Tips


  • All-Age Resources (link)
  • Audio-Visual Installers (link)
  • Away Day or Quiet Day Venues (link)
  • Baptism
    • Making the most of Baptism (link)
    • Baptistries (link)
  • Cafe Church (link)
  • Christian Bookshops (link) (In the diocese and nearby)
  • Church Leaflets: Some examples of good practice from churches around the diocese, on Baptism, Giving, Newsletters, Weddings, and Welcome - if you'd like a copy of any, please just email Richard Barrett
  • Confirmation
    • Courses: suitable ones to consider (link)
    • Children, Communion, and Confimation: Bishop's Guidelines (pdf) and Further Resources (pdf)
  • Courses
    • Enquirer Courses (link)
    • Discipleship (link)
    • Evangelism Training (link)
  • Evangelism Resources (link)
  • Festivals and Occasions - Mission Ideas throughout the year
  • Fresh Expressions
  • Gifts Exercises (link)
  • Healing (link)
  • Intentional Discipleship (link)
  • Internet Faith Exploration (link)
  • Leading Worship using the internet (link)
  • Men's Ministry (link)
  • Mission Resources and Reviews (Pending, January 2020)
  • Mission Speakers and Similar (link)
  • New Housing (link)
  • Noticeboards (link)
  • Open Churches (link)
  • Pastoral Care - we have two helpful essays written for us on this area from church consultant Robert Warren - please just email Richard Barrett if you'd like a copy of them 
  • Prayer Stations (link)
  • Psalm Reading (link)
  • Rural Mission (link)
  • Small Groups (link), some resources here (link) and a paper from Robert Warren available on request
  • Social Events (link)
  • Starting a new service (link)
  • The Jesus Deck (link)
  • Tracts (link)
  • Video Clips
    • Some recommended clips (link)
    • Copyright Awareness (link)
  • Video Projectors in Worship (link)
  • Vision Statements (link)
  • Website Advice - Currently unavailable, pending an update from the Comms Team
  • Weddings - Some sample resources from smaller churches who do lots of weddings; on request by emailing Richard
  • Youth-Friendly Congregations (link)

All-Age Resources

All Age Worship Resources

  • Including Talks, Dramas, and more, and easy to use. Find them here


  • The B

Away Day Venues

A variety of venues around the diocese or nearby that have indicated their availability for Away or Quiet days;

  • Albrighton Church Hall; website
  • Alton St Peter; 

Christian Bookshops

The following can all be found inside Lichfield Diocese;


  • Lichfield Cathedral Gift Shop 
  • Location: Lichfield Cathedral, The Close. WS13 7LD. 
  • Website: 

Confirmation Resources

The Christ we Share. This is an image-based resource that has been used by many in the past. It is not currently longer available )more 

Copyright Awareness

Copyright Awareness

Discipleship Courses

There is a huge range of resources which can be used once a group have done a nurture course. Here are some which we know are used effectively. The Church Pastoral Aid Society have produced an on-line directory of all course which can be found at

Easter Mission Ideas

These days we do not seem to have anything like the numbers we used to have at Easter time due to so many people going away on holiday, many of them abroad. However, there are still wonderful opportunities with this season of the year and we

Enquirers Courses

Below feature a number of different enquirers courses that the Mission Team is aware of and happy to recommend. We feature them in alphabetical order, not as any indication of either preference or costing (some quite excellent resources are actual

Evangelism Training

Some evangelism courses encountered by the Mission Team that we're happy to recommend...


Gifts Exercises

Some of the ones we know of and recommend are: 

  • Discovering your spiritual gifts is recommended by the former Bishop  of Shrewsbury Mark Rylands and can be used with a congregation on a Sunday for in

Hallowe'en Mission Ideas

Halloween Bags of Hope available from UCB; here.

The Good Book Company some excellent resources for Halloween; here

Harvest Mission Ideas

Harvest Mission Ideas

Intentional Discipleship

The key challenge that came out of the East meets West Intentional Discipleship events in 2018 was how to be more intentional about our discipleship and what that might look like in our context. You can see more about this week 

Internet Faith Exploration

More and more people use the internet to explore things they want to find out about. This is particularly true of the younger generations which churches are often lacking. The advantage for the searcher is that it is anonymous so they can explore

Leading Worship using the Internet

An increasing number of churches are using technology for music in worship. This is sometimes because of the difficulty in finding or paying an organist, or because of a desire to use modern music but they do not have musicians available for a liv

New Housing

We have been seeing a rise in new housing developments both large and small across our diocese. These offer wonderful mission opportunities for the Church. People moving into a new home are looking to make a fresh start so theres a chance to hel

Open Churches

Some ideas on keeping access to churches open:

  • 'Divine Inspiration' is based on Coventry Diocese and on this web site you will find many ideas and downloadable resources. Have a look 

Prayer Stations

These can be a really powerful tool, something eye-catching and interactive that can prove a major blessing to experienced Christians and non-Christians alike. Perhaps they may:

  • stimulate minds creatively to explore concepts that may ne

Psalm Reading

Yes, you read it right, not 'palm reading' but Psalm Reading. I reckon this works at any event where there are unchurched people - Fayres, Garden Parties, Missions etc etc. It has been used in Lichfield Diocese at the Stafford Sho

Shroud of Turin

Shroud of Turin
Shroud of Turin

Social Events

Some thoughts on how to take a one-off social event (fund-raising) and give it a mission twist...

Lots of churches not only rely on social events to raise money to keep them afloat, but they are very good at them and it deve

Social Justice Resources for 11-18s

Young people have a strong sense of right and wrong, this, coupled to a desire to make the world a better place can make them a powerful force for change. We have gathered a small selection of resources to help 11-18s explore issues of social just


If you go to your local Christian bookshop (try here) they should have several for you to browse through and can advise you as to what is most popular. You can look here&nb

Video Clips

Some suggested clips of youtube that you may find helpful in the right context;

  • Baby got book: Here 4.23 
  • Bethlehemian Rhapsody: 

Video Projectors in Worship

Video Projectors have greatly enhanced worship in many churches. However, worshippers can often come away frustrated in worship because of poor use of video projectors. Sometimes things go wrong, and we all know this, but it is often unnecessary p

Vision Statements

Mission statements, vision statements, strap lines, slogans, mottos. Even looking at the range of possibilities is confusing and makes some want to give up. Dont. Here are some resources to help you. 


  • Barry

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