St Thomas Aldridge children case study

Context and background

St Thomas’ Church is a friendly, lively, charismatic evangelical church, which is situated on the Coppy Hall Estate in Aldridge, near Walsall. 

Their vision statement is 'Gathering, Growing, Going' - in the power of the Spirit, as they do life together for Jesus.

Worship, discipleship, prayer and evangelism are key aspects of life together, aiming to give every new attender a friendly and supportive experience.

Collage of images including 1) two girls making art 2) woman and two children on a residential pavement with a balloon-shaped kite 3) view of the worship area with adults and children in group activities 4) vicar wearing chefs hat and apronWhat is working well with children and families?

Children are fully integrated into life at St Thomas’ and children’s groups run every Sunday except for the ‘All in’ service which takes place on the first Sunday of the month, where all ages worship together. The church runs two successful distinctly Christian toddler groups every week which engage with many families in the local community. They also host seasonal events throughout the year.

Here are some other examples of the ways St Thomas engage with their community:

  • Wonderfully Messy Church is held once a month on a Sunday for families who have children with additional needs, who need a relaxed, sensory and inclusive environment. The group is intentionally Christian, and provides trauma aware activities, support and fellowship for both children and families.
  • A recent addition is a monthly drop in for parents of adopted children (with or without children present). This group provides an opportunity to chat and support each other, eat and pray together.
  • Brick Church is a monthly after school fresh expression that is great fun for adults and children alike! A Bible story is shared, followed by a chance to build and express the story in Lego form. Families then share food together - see video from Christmas 2023.

What have you learned?

Going through a process of renewing the vision of the church has been helpful to highlight and focus on ‘growing younger’. It is a regular reminder to all that the church is intentionally investing in children’s ministry. It’s also helpful to remind people that it’s ok for children to make noise- God put the wiggle in them! It’s noisy in the nursery, and silent in the graveyard.

compilation of images including 1) leader in a donkey costume holding a microphone 2) children engaged with the vicar at the front of the worship area 3) Lego in a ball bit 4) Vicar leading wearing a crash helmetContact

Page last updated: Wednesday 28th February 2024 9:03 AM
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