0-5 | Intentional Discipleship Under 5s and Families


These can be adapted for toddler groups, Toddler church and Nursery settings:

  1. Diddy Disciples (0-5s) Worship and storytelling resources for babies, toddlers and young children. https://www.diddydisciples.org/
  2. God venture (0-5s) Books, sets of cards, games and downloadables for under 5s and families. http://godventure.co.uk/shop/
  3. Jack in the Box worship (under 5s) A fun, multi-sensory worship for Foundation Stage settings written by Early Years specialists. The puppet comes out of his box to engage children in the four elements or worship, includes songs, stories and times to reflect.https://www.imaginor.co.uk/jack-box-worship/
  4. Energize (Ages 3-18+): resources to explore Christian themes with 5-18s, all organised online in a highly customisable way and sold using a subscription model - https://www.energize.uk.net/
  5. Roots (Ages 0-18): Worship and learning resources for the whole church based on the lectionary. https://www.rootsontheweb.com/
  6. Scripture Union (Ages 3-16): A free collection of resources available online for 0-16s: See Bubbles resources for under 5s https://www.scriptureunion.org.uk/lightlive. Books of these resources are also available to purchase here: https://content.scriptureunion.org.uk/light-compendium
  7. Go Teach materials designed for crches, playgroups, nurseries and toddler groups. http://www.goteach.org.uk/store/toddlers
  8. Gods story for under 5s -36 Bible based sessions for midweek and Sunday groups by Becky May. Includes storytelling methods, activities and more in order to cater for different learning preferences and play styles. https://www.eden.co.uk/shop/gods-story-for-under-5s-4286325.html
  9. Toddler group planning by Laura Edwards, Lichfield Diocese. https://www.lichfield.anglican.org/documents/category/rng-0-5s-families-ministry/

Practical Resources for families at home

1.Care for the Family- Support and advice for all family situations, parenting and faith in the home. www.careforthefamily.org.uk

2.The kitchen Table project. Project and website dedicated to sharing faith in the home with children. https://kitchentable.org.uk/

3.Bible Reading Fellowship. Resources, articles and links. https://www.brf.org.uk/childrens-and-family-ministry

4.Barnabas in Churches. Free downloadable resources http://www.barnabasinchurches.org.uk

5.Flame Creative Practical ideas and resources.http://flamecreativekids.blogspot.co.uk/

6.God venture- ideas, resources, articles and blogs. http://godventure.co.uk

7.Play through the Bible.Fun Games, Crafts, and Activities to Help Children Get to Know Jesus. https://www.eden.co.uk/shop/play-through-the-bible-4302788.html?site_id=162348&matchtype=e&creative=239005346589&network=g&adposition=1t1&keyword=play through the bible&device=c&gclid=Cj0KCQiAm5viBRD4ARIsADGUT25afBJqTxJQwOvcOfDtAmeu5Tsx5OUhFbgMINygclRsb_2hbMt0J8saAqZOEALw_wcB

8.Wonderfully Made. This resource bridges the gap by supporting mums with practical help and advice through the early years, while also gently sharing something of the Christian message. Short video sessions, practical advice and real stories from mums about life with small children address the common problems and questions that many parents have. https://www.thegoodbook.co.uk/wonderfully-made-dvd


1.The Play along Bible. The Play-Along Bible inspires children's imaginations while growing their understanding of and love for God's Word. Through simple hand motions, facial expressions, verbal exclamations, and funny noises, kids can participate and respond to God's amazing story. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Play-Along-Bible-Imagining-Through-Motion/dp/1496408640/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1548187726&sr=8-1&keywords=play+along+bible

2.The Big Storybook Bible. 188 retold Bible stories for young children and adults to enjoy together, with wonderful photographs of the much-loved Bible Friends on every page. Ideal for use at home, at school; and in groups for early years children.https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=the+big+bible+storybook&index=aps&tag=googhydr-21&ref=pd_sl_7csmx7xtck_b&adgrpid=48649917570&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=259077876842&hvpos=1t1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14313678213444814634&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007147&hvtargid=aud-615477028278:kwd-317949738235

3.The Jesus Storybook Bible (ages 3-8) Features 44 beautifully written stories with eye-catching illustrations that bring the meaning of the Bible to life. https://www.eden.co.uk/jesus-storybook-bible-uk-edition-9780310729945


1.Godventure Seasonal blog . https://godventure.co.uk/category/news/

2.Flame Creative- Creative childrens ministry focussing on under 5s. http://flamecreativekids.blogspot.com/

Page last updated: Wednesday 11th December 2024 4:40 PM
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