DAC and Adviser Site Visits

The Lichfield Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) visits churches and churchyards so that it can gain a better understanding of works being proposed by a PCC. These visits principally constitute a DAC fact-finding mission, but also give parish representatives an opportunity to explain their proposal within the context of the church building itself.

  • For larger schemes, such as an extension to the church or the introduction of toilet and refreshment facilities, a broad range of DAC members (and advisers) will attend. These will include the relevant Archdeacon (who will chair the visit), a DAC architect, and various other DAC members, including those nominated by Historic England, the National Amenity Societies, or the Local Government Association.
  • For smaller proposals, such as relating to bells, clocks or organs, the relevant DAC adviser will visit. These visits constitute adviser site visits, made by an individual, as distinct from DAC site visits, made as a group. Adviser site visits operate on a rolling programme, by appointment through the DAC Office (not through the adviser direct).

DAC site visits

Requesting a visit

A DAC site visit may be requested by the PCC at an early stage in the development of its proposal, as part of seeking informal (pre-application) advice. The DAC may otherwise suggest a visit, following consideration of a faculty proposal at a DAC meeting, and where the members then wish to consider the scheme on site.

Further details on project planning can be found in the 'Making Changes to Your Building and Churchyard' section of the Church of England website.

What information should the parish provide?

In order that the DAC has sufficient briefing material to ensure that the visit is most effective, written and drawn information will be required in advance of a DAC site visit.

  • It is recommended that parishes consult their quinquennial inspector, as professional adviser to the PCC, or another suitably able professional, on the matter of commissioning and producing outline or sketch proposals, including a plan showing the location of the proposed works (as below)

Please provide the following supporting documents:

  1. Statements of Significance and Needs (for listed church buildings)
  2. Outline or sketch proposals, including a plan showing the location of the proposed works
  3. An options appraisal, i.e. of locations considered within the church (if available)
  4. A copy of a PCC or Standing Committee minute in support of the proposed project

For listed church buildings, please consult the Church of England guidance on Statements of Significance and Needs.

The visit request and accompanying supporting documents should be:

When will the DAC site visit occur?

The date and time of the DAC site visit will be co-ordinated by the Assistant DAC Secretary, who will liaise with various DAC and PCC attendees prior to the visit.

Upon receiving a request from the PCC or DAC, the Assistant DAC Secretary will offer a range of date/s, dependant on the relevant Archdeacon (who will chair the visit). Please note that other visits may already have been booked on specific dates, as visits are arranged on a first come, first served basis. The Assistant DAC Secretary will confirm timings with individual parishes prior to the visit.

As a guide, DAC site visits commence at 10 am or 2 pm. Visits generally last between 1 and 1.5 hours, and should end by 4 pm.

What will happen at the DAC site visit?

At the visit, parish representatives and the architect (usually the quinquennial inspector) will be asked to explain why the present arrangements are not adequate, to outline their initial proposals, and to explain the thinking behind their ideas.

The DAC visitors will then need to look around the building at the areas under consideration, ask questions, and might offer verbal suggestions for further consideration by the PCC. It may be that possible options/solutions are discussed at the visit, but anything said by the DAC visitors on site should not be taken as the definitive view of the DAC – this will be sent in the form of a written report (see below).

Following the visit

The DAC officer in attendance at the visit will compile a written site visit report. This will need to be approved by the whole DAC at a subsequent DAC meeting following the visit. If the visit falls after the documents deadline for the next DAC meeting, it will not be possible to consider the report until the following meeting. Therefore, there may be some delay before it can be sent to the PCC. The PCC can then use the report as guidance in the development of its faculty application.

Please note that the DAC-approved site visit report does not give permission for the PCC's proposals. It offers advice which the parish should use to inform and develop its faculty application to the Diocesan Chancellor. It is the Chancellor, rather than the DAC, who grants faculty permission.

Adviser site visits

Requesting a visit

A DAC adviser site visit may be requested by the parish at an early stage in the development of its proposal, as part of seeking informal (pre-application) advice, or at a subsequent stage in the application process.

The DAC adviser may otherwise suggest a visit, following consideration of a submitted faculty or List B application, and where the adviser then wishes to consider the scheme on site.

Please note that not all parish enquiries or applications require an adviser site visit. Some qualifying requests may be offered an online conference call (e.g. via Zoom) in place of a visit, where applicable.

What information should the parish provide?

In order that the DAC adviser has sufficient briefing material to ensure that the visit is most effective, the following information will be required in advance of an adviser site visit:

  1. Illustrative photographs, showing both the general setting and specific details (e.g. belfry and bells for a DAC Bell Adviser visit)
  2. An up-to-date copy of a quotation from the chosen contractor/s (if available)
  3. Confirmation that the applicant is an 'authorised person', that is acting on behalf of the minister and churchwardens (or, in a vacancy, the churchwardens only)
  4. For heating proposals, a completed copy of the Church of England heating checklist (editable Word file)

For heating and/or lighting proposals, please consult the Church of England guidance on net zero carbon.

The visit request and accompanying supporting documents should be:

When will the adviser site visit occur?

Adviser site visits operate on a rolling programme, by appointment through the DAC Office (not through the adviser direct). Visits generally last about 1 hour.

What will happen at the adviser site visit?

The DAC adviser will require access to the church and any specific parts of the building to which the proposal relates (e.g. bell chamber). The parish contact who requested the site visit (or another church officer, by prior agreement) should meet the DAC adviser on site and provide key access. There is usually no requirement for the PCC's architect to be present (e.g. for a visit relating to bells).

Following the visit

In most cases, the DAC adviser will compile a written report following the visit, which the adviser will send to the parish. If the parish's proposal is considered likely to affect the character of a listed church building, then the draft report will need to be approved by the whole DAC at a subsequent DAC meeting following the visit, before being sent to the parish.

Please note that the site visit report does not give permission for the parish's proposals. It offers advice which the parish should use to inform and develop its faculty or List B application.

Getting help...

If you wish to request a DAC or adviser site visit, please contact:

Helen Cook, Assistant DAC Secretary
01543 221155 helen.cook@lichfield.anglican.org

Page last updated: Monday 6th January 2025 2:34 PM
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