Training Programme

Please click here to access the Spring Training Programme.

Please click here to access the Summer Training Programme.

Other downloadable / online resources

The Vocations and Ministry Department offers a range of informal programmes to support the vast array of ministries in the Diocese and to encourage discipleship. If you have a particular need in your parish, and would like someone to come and lead a short course, or to work with a team from your churches or deanery, then please contact Jules Smith.

The following resources are available to download free of charge. We hope to continue to build up this resource, so please contact us if there is particular material that would be useful to you.

Introductory course for parish visitors: This course provides information and exercises for groups forming new visiting teams in parishes or deaneries. The full course is 6 sessions, but it can be adapted according to the needs of the parish.

Leading Small Groups: A short course for those who want to lead small groups in their parish or deanery and would like a bit of input about managing groups, dynamics to be aware of, and strategies for getting the best out of participants.

Leading Worship: A five session course on reading the Scriptures, leading intercessions and preparing a Service of the Word.

One2Four: A Four-session course following the GROW model (Goal, Reality, Ownership, Way forward) which encourages parishes to explore their vision for Gods people in that place, and to take some steps towards making that a reality. This can also be used as pat of the process of Mission Action Planning


Faith at Work Taster Session

The Community of St Chad

The Community of St Chad offers a course focusing on discipleship and the communities five rhythms of grace. The sessions explore discipleship today as well as drawing on the Bible and resources from the Christian tradition to reflect on God's world and our place in it. The course leads naturally into the formation of spiritual companion groups - small groups which form the heart of the community of St Chad and which encourage on-going discipleship, accountability and support. More information about the Community of St Chad is available here.

Rhythms of Grace small group material 


Pilgrim Course

Pilgrim is a teaching and discipleship resource from the Church of England. It aims to help every local church create a place where people can explore the Christian faith together and see how it can be lived out each day.

Pilgrim takes a different approach to other Christian programmes. It approaches the great issues of faith not through persuasion, but participation in a pattern of contemplation and discussion with a group of fellow travellers.

Pilgrim is comprised of two stages: the Follow stage for those very new to faith, and the Grow stage for those who want to go further. Each stage contains four short six-session courses which focus on a major theme of Christian life.

Further information and resources can be found at

Resources for Bible Study & Leading Worship

Worship is at the heart of Christian life. Through worship we, the body of Christ in our particular place, meet to offer praise and prayer to God; to share our trials and sorrows; to be assured of forgiveness and to remind ourselves that God is the mighty, loving creator of the universe and that we are God's chosen people.

An Ad Clerum on Lay Ministry (January 2018) from Bishop Michael included a section on local worship leaders and occasional preachers which can be read here. The Diocesan guidelines on worship leading and preaching are available here.

Resources for Leading Worship

The Shape of Worship - a session on the shape and style of Christian worship is available here.

Proclaiming the Scriptures - a session on reading the Bible in Church is available here.

Praying in Public - a session in preparing and leading intercessions is available here.

A guide to leading and preparing intercessions from Fosse Deanery in the Diocese of Coventry can be found here

A guide to preparing and leading intercessions from St Andrew's Anglican Church, Pau (France) can be found here

A further guide to leading intercessions provided by Help for Christians is here.

A comprehensive handbook for training Worship Leaders produced by the Diocesan Worship and Liturgy Group of Glasgow and Galloway is available here.

Resources for Bible Study

DIY Advent Bible Study is available here

Text 4 Today - An 8 session Bible Study series is available here.

Resources for using Technology in Worship

A tutorial on how to prepare a powerpoint presentation for worship is available here.

Resources for Festivals and Seasons

Angel Bible Study

Angel Slide Show

Links to other courses

These courses are not provided by the Diocese of Lichfield but are useful resources. There may be a charge for some of them.

A short listening course with DVD from Acorn Christian Healing Foundation Just Listen

Faith Life conversations reflecting on your faith and talking about it with others. An excellent resource from After Sunday

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