#NewRevs2024 - Ian Budd

Originally from Nottingham, Ian is married to Kate and they have one son, James. Following Ian’s ordination training at the Queen’s Foundation, they are delighted to be moving to Shrewsbury for Ian’s curacy with the Trinity Churches. A stroke survivor, Ian’s hobbies include Parkrunning, hillwalking, and adventures with Rosie and Bluebell (the family’s dog and cat). 

Ian had felt God’s call to ministry when young, but had ignored it, believing ordination was not for him. He knew that God wanted him to encourage people in their journey of faith and was able to do that in a range of contexts and settings. It was the help and support of others that encouraged him to answer God’s call and enabled him to see where God wanted him to be. 

Ian believes that he is called to make wherever he is a place that is relational and hospitable: a place of discipleship and worship that is compassionate and inclusive. He says that we should all strive to follow Jesus in bringing hope, recognising that exploring faith and encountering God is for everyone. He explains that our Church needs to be a safe space to pray, ask questions, explore faith, ignite creativity, and be equipped to live our Christian calling every moment of every day. 

Ian believes that God uses all our strengths and experiences, enabling us to flourish in ministry. He is excited to be much more community-based, which is where his pastoral and teaching gifts lie. He is looking forward to getting to know new people and walking alongside them. We should never forget that God calls people from all sorts of backgrounds. He says that the journey towards ordained ministry has been very positive and formative. Training has been a place to encounter wonderful people with so many different life stories, each revealing their gifts, insights, and experiences of encountering our loving God. 

Ian’s career in public sector leadership in education, social care, culture, and leisure has largely been based in Wales and the West Midlands. It has been a privilege for him to be able to be part of the Tettenhall Regis parish and team, and to be able to support local schools and the Wolverhampton Youth Zone during training. 

Ian advises that if God calls you, be brave and explore that call. Should you sense a nudge towards something new, consider sharing it with others, seek their prayers, and explore it further. It was the encouraging, loving, affirming, and prayerful people who helped and enabled him to take the leap and begin the discernment process. He encourages those on the journey to continue to pursue the path ahead and trust that God will accompany them at every step.

Ian will 'serve his title' - ie complete 3-4 years as a curate - in the parish of Meole Brace, Shrewsbury

Page last updated: Wednesday 26th June 2024 4:10 PM
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