Clayton St James


liberal catholic

Weekly services:

  • Sunday morning Eucharist (4 or 5 per month)
  • Sunday afternoon Online Services (4 or 5 per month)
  • Wednesday morning midweek Eucharist (4 or 5 per month)
  • Tuesday morning worship for Harplands Hospital (4 or 5 per month)


  • Jimmy’s Ark (Messy Church) (1 per month)
  • occasional offices and home communions,

Schools, colleges:

Clayton Hall Academy



Training Incumbent
The Revd Dr Julia Babb

Trained: Cranmer Hall Durham. Deaconed: 2000

Julia is the Vicar of St James’ (.72) and chaplain to Harplands Hospital (.28) in a dual post. Alongside her dual post, Julia serves as a mid-term assessor and vocation advisor for the Diocese of Lichfield.

Julia served in urban parishes in the dioceses of Manchester, Newcastle, and Derby, and as Training Officer (IME 4-7 and CMD) in the Diocese of Manchester before returning to her home diocese to take up her current post.

Julia’s doctorate is in practical theology and focused on spirituality and mental health.

Julia has a long-standing commitment to reflective practice and mental health. Julia takes a keen interest in current affairs, is an avid reader, loves music, and has recently begun to learn to play the piano again. Julia and her husband Geoff enjoy nature and spending time with family. 

TI/parish stance on LLF

We would be looking to use the Prayers of Love and Faith as part of our ministry here at Clayton.

The context

St James’ is a suburban parish with a population of roughly 9500. It is mixed socially and economically and is becoming more diverse ethnically.

When the worshipping community was formed, members literally gathered in a cow shed while they raised the money to build the current church with its distinctive sculpture of the risen Jesus, A frame design, and steep green roof.

Worship at St James’ is rooted in the liberal catholic tradition. The worshipping community is open and inclusive. Like many other churches, St James’ faces challenges in relation to finance, volunteers, and an ageing congregation. It also has opportunities to which it is seeking to respond with faith and realism. Reaching out across the generations is a priority. Making and managing change, and expanding lay ministry, are key tasks in enabling this outreach. We are building on good connections with the local community through occasional offices, our Place of Welcome drop-in project, work with Clayton Hall Academy, and the extensive use of our church hall. As we approach the sixtieth anniversary of St James’, we are developing a Christian education and community outreach project for which we are seeking funding from The Saltley Trust.

St James’ has a long history as a training parish and of lay reader ministry. This history provides a sure foundation both for future curacies and the expansion of lay ministry. A curacy at St James’ would offer experience as described above and would include collaborative experience of developing ministry and mission. It would also include the possibility of experience of psychiatric chaplaincy at Harplands Hospital / NSCHT. This could be through weekly ministry across the curacy or through ministry for a defined time at an agreed stage during the curacy. Chaplaincy at Harplands / NSCHT is focused on the spiritual care of patients and staff of all faiths and no faith. Through this, Julia also works directly and indirectly with Keele University, which is located within Newcastle Deanery, as is St James the Great. North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust is a teaching trust and as such partners with Keele University Medical School.

Mission statistics (2023)

Electoral Roll Usual Sunday Attendance Adults Usual Sunday Attendance Children Thanksgivings Baptisms Marriages Funerals (church) Funerals (crem)
66 32 1 0 8 1 12 3


Page last updated: Friday 26th July 2024 2:37 PM
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