Our Vision

The vision, mission and ministry of the Diocese is focused around the three priority areas of discipleship, vocation and evangelism (DVE) - following in the footsteps of the first bishop of Lichfield, St Chad.

Our shared diocesan vision, which is reflected in the video below, is:

"As we follow Christ in the footsteps of St Chad, we pray that the two million people in our diocese encounter a church that is confident in the gospel, knows and loves its communities, and is excited to find God already at work in the world. We pray for a church that reflects the richness and variety of those communities. We pray for a church that partners with others in seeking the common good, working for justice as a people of hope."


In 2020, Shaping for Mission began our programme of change across Lichfield Diocese to strengthen our life of discipleship, vocation and evangelism in the context of our vision. We are working together as people of hope to make our mission sustainable, by shaping deaneries to be effective bodies for developing discipleship, encouraging vocation and inspiring evangelism. 

In 2024, Diocesan Synod approved a resulting diocesan strategic framework, a joint venture of deaneries and parishes with support from the diocesan staff which is expected to evolve and adapt as challenges and opportunities arise. The 2025 edition of the strategy, 'Seeking the Kingdom' is available to download.

Our vision is being worked out in parishes, fresh expressions of church, schools and chaplaincies. People across the diocese are invited to reflect on our vision in their local context - watch the 'Our Vision in Your Area' video below for some local inspiration! 


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