Section 02: Employee Benefits and Wellbeing

2.1 Salaries and payment

For all staff, the pay period is the calendar month. Basic salaries are paid on or before the 25th of the month in advance of the end of the month.

You will be able to access online a payslip showing how the total amount of your pay has been calculated. It will also show the deductions that have been made and the reasons for them, e.g. Income Tax, National Insurance, etc.

Any pay queries that you may have should be raised with the HR Team.

If you are overpaid for any reason, the total amount of the overpayment will normally be deducted from your next payment but if this would cause hardship, arrangements may be made for the overpayment to be recovered over a longer period.

At the end of each tax year you will be given a form P60, or upon leaving our employment a P45 showing the total pay you have received from us during that year and the amount of deductions for Income Tax and National Insurance. You should keep these documents in a safe place as you may need to produce them for tax purposes.

2.2 Pension Scheme

We contribute to a pension scheme for eligible employees, which may take the form of a Basic Auto-enrolment compliant Pension Scheme, or The Church Workers Pension Fund, or The Church of England Funded Pension Scheme (for clergy). The appropriate scheme will be detailed in your Statement of Terms & Conditions. Full details of the Pension scheme can be obtained from the HR Team.

You are responsible for updating the Pension Provider of any changes in Personal Details as we are not able to update details (i.e.. address) once we have enrolled a member, this includes after you have left our employment.

2.3 Expenses

During your employment with us, you may have expenses which are incurred in the performance of your duties which can be claimed for as legitimate business expenses and reimbursement will be provided.

2.4 Eye Test

The cost of an eye and eyesight test will be reimbursed, through expenses, to employees who are DSE users for the majority of their working week, although employees are encouraged to take advantage of free and discounted tests where available. Where an eye and eyesight test shows that glasses are necessary to correct eye or vision defects for the purposes of DSE work (and this is detailed on the relevant prescription), users may choose more costly glasses (for example with designer frames or lenses with optional treatments not necessary for the work) and the employer will contribute a portion of the total cost of the glasses and eye test up to the current value of “NHS Voucher B”, currently £63.20.  

2.5 Social Calendar

We make an effort to ensure we spend time together regularly away from our work. You will be invited to join us for a variety of events throughout the year. We value the benefits of spending time together as a team and therefore there is an importance in attending events organised for team building.

2.6 Parking at diocesan offices

Parking is available for all staff in our office. There are a small number of visitors’ spaces available however staff are asked to check availability of these in advance.

2.7 Email and internet use

Whilst access from diocesan computer terminals to the Internet is normally unrestricted, employees are expected to use the system responsibly for the purposes of their work.

2.8 Other employment

Employees should not undertake any other commercial or professional activity on their own account or for another employer without obtained prior permission. Requests should be made to the CEO. Such requests will not be unreasonably withheld provided there is no conflict of interest and not likely to interfere with the performance of a post.

2.9 Security

The Board's premises are covered by insurance for public liability, employer's liability, and theft of or damage to contents that are in the Board's ownership. (UK only) Employees are responsible for the safekeeping of their belongings and should not leave cash and other valuable items in unattended rooms.

2.10 Staff facilities

The kitchen facilities in the office is freely available for all employees to use. You should help keep it clean and tidy by ensuring all surfaces are kept clean at all times, and used crockery washed and wiped thoroughly before allowing it to be used again. Beverages are provided to all employees whilst working in the diocesan office but a voluntary contribution is encouraged.

2.11 No-smoking policy

Smoking is not permitted inside any diocesan offices.

2.12 Prayers

As part of the Church of England, the Board recognises that the spiritual dimension of the work undertaken by its employees is of importance. A prayer group meets weekly. Attendance is entirely optional and no pressure whatsoever is put upon employees to take part.

2.13 Access to HR personal file

The Board supports the principle of openness in its relationship with employees and subject to certain safeguards which it believes to be necessary, will allow employees access to their personal files.

The objective of this is to enable employees to have access to their personal files in order to verify factual information held and where necessary, to correct information which is factually incorrect.

An employee will have to put a request in writing to the HR Team in order to access their file.

2.14 Cycle to Work

We operate a Cycle to Work scheme whereby you can make tax-efficient savings on the purchase of a bike through monthly deductions from your salary over 12 months. Details are available from the Finance team.

2.15 Counselling

We care for the wellbeing of our employees and should you wish to discuss the need of counselling or another talking therapy which may go beyond that available as Employee Assistance, please speak in confidence to the HR Officer.

2.16 Looking out for and protecting others

Every person has a value and dignity which comes directly from the creation of humans in God’s own image and likeness. Christians see this potential as fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ. Among other things this implies a duty to value all people as bearing the image of God and therefore to protect them from harm.

The Church of England Birmingham is committed to keeping children and vulnerable adults, safe from harm.

Each of us is unique, whether in terms of our background, characteristics, experience, skills or motivations and we value our people for the differences they bring to the table.

Fostering an inclusive culture helps each of us to benefit from a wider range of these different perspectives, experiences and skills. We believe that this creates a happier, more productive working environment for us all.

2.17 Life/Family Friendly Arrangements

Life/Family Friendly Working is about creating working arrangements that are intended to assist and acknowledge the need for a rhythm of working alongside other situations which might arise in life, sickness or a vocation to parenthood. We have in place a number of policies to ensure that the value of this balance is taken seriously for our employees, and these can be found in the policies section.  

2.18 Conduct, Behaviour & Performance

We expect high standards of behaviour from all our employees in their performance at work and in their general conduct.

In particular you must

  • be polite and courteous in your behaviour;
  • be diligent, honest and ethical in the performance of your duties;
  • provide your services in a professional and competent manner in willing co-operation with others;
  • conform to the reasonable requests of your manager or supervisor;
  • conduct your personal and professional life in a way which does not risk adversely affecting the DBF’s standing and reputation; and
  • adhere to our policies and/or procedures;

We believe very much in resolving issues in an informal and open manner, but we know sometimes this isn’t possible and we have in place the policies to ensure we can manage these situations for both the employee and the organisation.  


Page last updated: Tuesday 10th September 2024 1:30 PM
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