The provision which is in place is under the auspices and with the support of Bishop Michael and is an expression of his and his episcopal colleagues pastoral care of the clergy within the Diocese of Lichfield, who are in retirement (whether still active in ministry or not), and their families. There is a further network of support for clergy widows/widowers.
The purpose of the provision is:
- To encourage to recognise and to regard the continuing ministry of retired clergy in the Diocese.
- To acknowledge the contribution which they make to the work and worship of the Churches within the Diocese and its overall mission.
- With the bishops, archdeacons and parish clergy to support and to encourage the continuing ministry of the retired clergy.
- Where appropriate to be a resource in relation to housing, pensions and welfare issues to do with retirement.
- To encourage retired clergy to meet together for fellowship, support, prayer and study and where necessary to facilitate this.
- Where appropriate and when called upon to offer immediate pastoral care to retired clergy and their families in partnership with bishops, rural deans and parish clergy.
- To communicate with the retired clergy as and when appropriate and to be available to them.
- To uphold the interests of retired clergy in the Diocese.
To further these aims a network of retired clergy has been set up in each Episcopal Area. They are coordinated by the Bishops' Officer for Retired Clergy (further area contacts at the bottom of this page):
The team organise events for those who are retired and for those looking ahead towards retirement.
The next event planned is: Retired Clergy Day - 17 June from 12.30pm, Lichfield
- Church Pensions
- Church Housing in Retirement
- The Retired Clergy Association of the Church of England
- Dementia Friendly Churches
Many of the issues affecting retired clergy and our families are also relevant to the wider ministry of the church, and our colleagues in the Diocese's Open to All teams (covering issues including disability, dementia, sight-loss and mental health) have much wisdom and resources.
Area Contacts:
- Shrewsbury - The Rt Revd Alistair Magowan
- Wolverhampton - Revd Preb Paul Brown - Tel 07583 580043
- Wolverhampton, SSMs and women - Revd Sue Mayo
- Stafford - Father Graham Bott - Tel: 01785 561694