


Monthly services:


Schools, colleges:



Training Incumbent
The Revd Dr Ian Poole

Trained: St John's Nottingham . Deaconed: 2002 Lichfield

I love life and adventure and am very proud of my wife Mary, our four children and three grandchildren. My formation as a Christian leader has been nurtured by a 20-year career in medicine and 24 years in the Church of England. I have great joy in seeing others grow as disciples and leaders in the parish and love to encourage my fellow clergy and pastors in the deanery and city. My greatest joys in ministry include finding the presence of God through worship and prayer, welcoming the prophetic authority of God's Word and seeing folk find transforming faith.

TI/parish stance on LLF

We would not be looking to use the Prayers of Love and Faith as part of our ministry here at Bushbury. 

The context

Bushbury Parish is situated in northeast Wolverhampton. It can be described as urban and serves a population of 27,000. It has an above average number of those under 30 years of age, largely white British ethnicity. One third of the population live in council or rented accommodation. In 2021, the Wolverhampton unemployment rate was 6.6% (national 4.8%) and had the highest unemployment rate for 18-24-year-olds in the UK. Almost 60% of people employed in the city work in manufacturing, retail, education and health and social care roles.

There are three churches in the parish: St Mary's, the parish church; St James' and The Church of the Good Shepherd.

Revd Ian, as Rector; is based at St Mary's church. The Revd Taiwo Olumuyiwa is based at St James' and The Church of The Good Shepherd and was appointed in October 2023. The Revd Emmanuel Salako is a SSM and is based at St Mary's. Each church places a high value on scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit.

Ministry in Bushbury Parish has three main priorities. First, we aim to encourage folk of all ages to grow as disciples and leaders in keeping with the concept of nurturing a faithful remnant. Over the last year we have seen our Life Groups double from 2.5 to 5 where numbers attending have increased from 20 to 45. Second, we recognise the priority of prayer, worship and seeking God's presence and have several powerful weekly prayer and worship gatherings. Third, we aim to reach out into our community with the gospel in word and deed and in part fulfillment of this we held a successful week of mission in May 2023 and are just about to start another week of mission this July in partnership with TFM (Through Faith Mission).

Mission statistics (2023)

Churches Electoral Roll Usual Sunday Attendance Adults Usual Sunday Attendance Children Thanksgivings Baptisms Marriages Funerals (church) Funerals (crem)
Bushbury St Mary 81 49 5 0 2 6 18 17
Fordhouses St James 52 23 6 0 2 0 0 6
Low Hill The Good Shepherd 38 23 8 0 5 0 0 1
Total 171 95 19 0 9 6 18 24
Page last updated: Friday 26th July 2024 2:39 PM
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