Healthcare Chaplaincy

Chaplains in the healthcare setting promote pastoral, spiritual and religious wellbeing through skilled compassionate person-centred care for patients, their families and carers, and staff. They use a holistic approach, listening to each person’s unique story and offering support which responds to emotional, social and spiritual needs. This support may include offering prayer or the sacraments, if appropriate to someone’s faith and belief, or sharing rituals at the most profound moments of life – birth, death, illness and at every stage in between - as we grapple with hope, fear, loneliness, compassion - some of the most fundamental elements of the human spirit. In any of these situations, healthcare chaplains have the opportunity and privilege of ministering, offering a listening ear, comfort and time and space to reflect.

Healthcare Chaplains from around the Diocese meeting Bishop Michael in early 2017

Healthcare Chaplains from around the diocese
meeting Bishop Michael in early 2017

Contacting Chaplains across the Lichfield Diocese

Click here/on the menu to find healthcare organisations within the Lichfield Diocese and how to contact the chaplain/chaplaincy team in the different settings - whether you want to know how to make a referral for support for someone, check about visiting on a certain site, find out more about facilities such as prayer rooms or chapels, or if you are interested in volunteering with the team.

Healthcare Chaplaincy Advisors

The diocese currently has two Bishops' Advisers for Healthcare Chaplaincy – Revd Emma Louis and Revd Alison Thorp.

The Revd Emma Louis

Emma has led the diverse team at Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (primarily mental health and learning disabilities services) since 2004 and previous to that worked as a chaplain in general healthcare chaplaincy and the hospice setting. Emma can be contacted by emailing

The Revd Alison Thorp

Office: 01283 566333

Alison Thorp is lead Chaplain at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust.  Alison can be contacted at

Page last updated: Wednesday 25th May 2022 1:04 PM
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