Kenneth Bau Yi Wen from Our Saviour's Church, Salek South, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is the latest St Chad's Volunteer to come to the Diocese.
He will be spending a year with St Matthew's Church, Walsall, as part of the St Chad's Volunteer Programme which gives young people age 18-35 the chance to explore ministry in one of our companion dioceses.
St Matthew's is one of only two parishes in the Diocese with an ongoing internship programme for young people exploring ministry. St Matthew's School of Ministry currently has three people gaining practical experience and biblical training.

Kenneth was welcomed to Lichfield on Friday at a gathering hosted by the Bishop of Lichfield attended by other St Chad's Volunteers currently in this Diocese, representatives from St Matthew's and SCVP trustees; (centre) Peter Ooi from Penang, West Malaysia, who has been at Christ Church, Bayston Hill, since September and (right) Matthew Gobbett, from Maple Creek, Qu'Appelle, Canada, who has been at Holy Trinity Oswestry since June.