The significant contributions that seven people have made to their communities and the diocese were recognised on St Chad's day, Sunday 2 March, at a special service of Evensong in the cathedral where Bishop Michael presented them with the St Chad Medal.
The words 'vigiliae, orations, opera bona' on the medals reflect the charge that St Chad gave to his followers shortly before his death: that their lives were to be characterized by 'watching, prayer, and good works'.
And in the same service, two new members were admitted to the Cathedral Chapter by the Dean, Rt Revd Jan McFarlane. Eric Lunt and Lloyd Cooke had been nominated as lay members to succeed recent retirees. Chapter is required to direct and oversee the administration of the affaits of the council.
Diane Awkati
Diane (Di) is the Tower Captain and lead Bellringer at St Peter's, Kinver. She works tirelessly to continue the skills of Bellringing in South Staffordshire and North Worcestershire, and in particular has a vital ministry in teaching young people how to ring. Kinver has historic links with the North Worcestershire circuit, and so a number of the young ringers also ring at Worcester Cathedral, and under Di's guidance they were winners at the Ringing World National Youth Contest in London earlier this year. In addition to this, Di is on St Peter's PCC and is the Safeguarding Officer, all of which she does faithfully and skilfully.
Lynda Farrington
Lynda is an intelligent, sensitive, and perceptive faith leader whose sermons are both imaginative and thought-provoking. Rooted in deep faith and self-knowledge, she speaks with clarity, drawing from scripture and real-life experiences to challenge and inspire. She never talks down but walks alongside her congregation, offering practical wisdom and unwavering support. A pillar of the benefice, she has served with humility, wisdom, and resilience, stepping up in times of crisis. Lynda is a popular, universally respected and a completely trusted confidant who is deeply connected to the whole community, Lynda’s ministry is a model of servant-hearted leadership.
Jane Hardy
Jane who retired last year, worked at the Cathedral for 14 years. Over the years Jane picked up several additional duties, including supporting the volunteers, coordinating the Cathedral’s safeguarding responses, HR, office management, and becoming the Cathedral’s ‘Wellbeing lead’ organising team socials and pilgrimages. Jane is a committed Christian, who quietly and consistently lives and breathes her faith, often helping to bring them into the Cathedral’s decision making, meetings, and staff / volunteer meetings. Her influence within the Cathedral community, and by extension to all who visit the Cathedral, has been immense.
Malcolm Maclean
Malcolm serves as an extremely effective and supportive Lay Chair of Edgmond and Shifnal deanery and member of the Shrewsbury Area Mission and Pastoral Committee. He has served faithfully in the diocese as a member of Bishops Council, risk and audit committee, Lichfield board of education and Diocesan Synod. Malcolm has built up a wealth of knowledge which he has employed for the wellbeing of the diocese. He is a trusted colleague and source of wisdom and support to many, in his home parish and across the diocese and his contribution is highly valued.
Sue Thomas
Sue is a long-standing member of Trentham church and has recently been licensed as a Lay Reader. She set up the Open the Book project and has also been a parish safeguarding officer. Sue is currently a Vocations Advisor for the Diocese. Sue and her husband founded a charity called the Kabanda Trust. The Trust supports the Rock of Joy Children’s centre in Lungujja, Uganda, providing equipment (including school buses), covering the cost of school meals and supporting vital health projects. Sue is a tremendously thoughtful and committed Christian and her faith in and commitment to Christ is unwavering.
Robert Vassell
Rob has been a member of Holy Trinity Church, Heath Town, since childhood. Licensed as a Reader in 2023, Rob has always held a deep love for Jesus and throughout his life and has always lived out his faith in practical ways. Proclaiming the gospel in word and deed in such an infectious, loving and attractive way that comes so naturally to him that touches people’s lives in a really profound way. Not least those he meets in the course of his work as a bus driver in Wolverhampton. Rob is a natural evangelist and a great champion for Jesus.
Rosemary Walker
Rosemary is Clergy Widows Officer for the Shrewsbury Episcopal Area. She has offered unfailing and generous pastoral support to clergy widows and widowers; visiting those with particular pastoral needs and gathering people for friendship lunches. Rosemary sits on the committee of two charitable trusts across Shropshire and is active in encouraging applications from those in need. She is also a very active and supportive member of Christ Church, Wellington & Hadley, providing pastoral care and mentoring those taking early steps in ministry. So many people have reason to give thanks for Rosemary's witness, care and support.