Six new Readers licensed and two dozen long-serving celebrated

Published: 7th September 2024

Six Readers licensed in 2024

Six new lay ministers, known as Readers, were licensed by the Bishop of Lichfield, the Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave at Lichfield Cathedral on 7 September.

Following two years of study, they have been formally licensed to minister in their local churches in front of friends, family and congregations gathered to witness them admittted to the office as the bishop said to each of them "Receive authority to preach the Word of God and to minister as a Licensed Reader in this diocese."

In his sermon, the Warden of Readers, Revd Harvey Gibbons urged the new Readers (and the congregation) to continue taking opportunities to continue learning and reflecting on Scripture not just for the benefit of their preaching, but for life outside the walls of their churches too.

More photos from the service can be found on our Flickr site.

Earlier in the day Bishop Michael had celebrate with more than two dozen Readers who received long-service certificates: five having completed 25 years as a Reader and twenty one who had served a staggering 40 years or more.

But beyond that, the celebration gave thanks for Dave Hunter from Holy Trinity Heath Town who has completed 60 years service as a Reader.

NewReaders 2024

Stafford Episcopal Area

  • Karen Gallagher licensed as a Reader in the benefice of The Westlands S.Andrew
  • Malcolm Payne licensed as a Reader in the benefice of Stafford Saint Mary and Marston

Wolverhampton Episcopal Area

  • David Carver licensed as a Reader in the benefice of Codsall
  • Beverley Dyer licensed as a Reader in the benefice of Bushbury
  • Janet Firth licensed as a Reader in the benefice of Rushall
  • Joscelin Lodwick licensed as a Reader in the benefice of Aldridge

Long service celebrations

For 25 years:

  • Esther Burd
  • Jonathan Burd
  • Jackie Morgans
  • Davic Shermitt
  • Pam Teece

For 40 years:

  • Steve Hassison
  • Alan Poplis
  • Robin Whitehouse

For more than 40 years:*

  • David Beardmore (41)
  • Michael Hibbs (41)
  • Neil Spink (41)
  • Margaret Tayor (41)
  • Derek Manning (42)
  • Pam Rainsford (42)
  • Mike Whittaker (42)
  • David Bousie (44)
  • Ken Scott (44)
  • Douglas Brown (45)
  • Dennsi Chenet (45)
  • Terry Bagguley (45)
  • William Ives (45)
  • Dennis Croome (46)
  • David Simcock (46)
  • David Gethin (48)
  • Clive Lilley (48)
  • Mike Smith(49)

For 60 years:

Dave Hunter (60)

*marked now as the 50-year celebration has been changed to 40-year and would otherwise get missed

Page last updated: Saturday 7th September 2024 10:10 PM
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