The Revd Preb Roger Bould, who served his entire ministry in Lichfield Diocese, died on Friday 21 June aged 87.
Roger served in Wednesfield, Wellngton, Stafford and for 20 years as Rector of Cheadle before his retirement in 1999. He also was an Assistant to the Bishop of Wolverhampton and Pastoral Assistant to the Bishop of Lichfield, as well as a Prebendary at Lichfield Cathedral.
His family have requested that prayers are said ahead of Roger's funeral at the Chapel College of St Barnabus, Lingfield, RH7 6NJ, on Wednesday 3 July at 11am. All are welcome.
Ann Bucknall said: "Roger and his wife Jane were hosts to the Rt Revd John Savarimuthu, Bishop of West Malaysia, when he first came to the Diocese of Lichfield in the 1980's to set up the link between the two dioceses. From that grew a friendship and interest in the region of S.E. Asia that included a visit there and then a membership of the committee of the 'Singapore and West Malaysian Diocesan Association' (SWMDA) that continued until it closed. Representing Lichfield Diocese, he took an active role on that committee and later became the vice-chairperson. His wise and thoughtful contributions were always much appreciated."