Dementia affects many families across the diocese. And the questions around how we care spiritually for people living with the disease are challenging", according to David Primrose, Director of Transforming Communities for the Diocese of Lichfield.
Im delighted that Bishop Mark has been able and willing to pioneer this three-year appointment and we are looking forward to seeing how this ministry (for which Sarah is wonderfully qualified) develops.
In January 2015, Bishop Mark Rylands licensed Sarah Thorpe as the first Dementia Support Worker for the Church of England in north Shropshire. What will be the ministry of our Dementia Support Worker? Watch the video to find out.
Sarah is available to help churches support families living with dementia. For some, that may simply be raising awareness of the condition and its implications for families: for others it may be to advise on the provision of services or ministry especially to help families affected by dementia.
For more information, email Sarahsarah.thorpe@lichfield.anglican.org or phone 07982 248949
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