From an era before biometric passports, the Church and Crown had to avoid imposters: the Confirmation of Election makes the appointment of a new diocesan bishop legal.
The process of appointing a new diocesan bishop is long and complex, and one of the last hurdles has now been passed in the appointment of Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave as the 99th Bishop of Lichfield.
Following interviews by the Crown Nominations Committee (comprising the Archbishops and representatives of General Synod and Diocesan Synod), the favoured names were presented to the Prime Minster who proposed the recommendation to the Monarch. The Cathedral Chapter vote to agree with the Monarch, and last Friday, lawyers for the Diocese and Archbishop met in a church court to confirm that the process was legal, and the Archbishop then presented Bishop Michael with his Charge - a job description for the new bishop:
This video makes clear:
The final hurdle before +Michael's ministry begins in earnest is his Installation at Lichfield Cathedral on 24 September.