A pioneering church community in Wolverhampton has recorded the St Chad's Community's special daily prayer material for Easter and Holy Week for its own congregation of young adults.
Wolverhampton Pioneer Ministries aims to bring the Gospel to those who may not relate to existing church structures and engage in the discipleship that we all need.
'The Rhythms of Grace with St Chad: A retreat in daily life for Holy Week & Easter' is a set of special prayers and reflections for use between Palm Sunday and Easter Day. Copies were distributed to all parishes in the Diocese, inserted in to the latest edition of Spotlight.
Deborah Walton, leader at WPM says:
"We are setting up "St Chad Clusters" which are effectively Spiritual Companion Groups, expressed in ways that relates to contemporary culture. There will be three key accountability questions when the clusters meet which will be about the priority each person has given to solitude, celebration and service in their spiritual walk and prayer that week/fortnight. We have created a logo that is based on the WPM logo.
"From the interest we have had it seems that many of our "St Chad Clusters" will operate as virtual groups with Vitalise (WPM's Sunday night congregation) members who are at university or less connected with us on a Sunday evening for various reasons. One of the key elements will be the use of the Community of St Chad prayers and patterns of prayer and Bible reading and then reflection on time and experiences of solitude, celebration and service."
"Recording the prayers and mediations as podcasts makes them far more accessible to young city people who spend lots of time absorbing media and listening while commuting."
The team at WPM have recorded the set of daily podcasts which anyone can listen to or download:
The original Daily Prayer podcasts can be accessed via the main St Chad's Community web page.