Lichfield Cathedral was full twice on Saturday as the Diocesan Renewal Group welcomed Mike Pilavachi to its annual conference. Almost twice as many people as usual had bought tickets for the evening youth event GO!: organisers had printed extra tickets a week before and had to send out a Facebook and Twitter message to avoid turning people away at the doors.
Cathy Short is a youth worker in Stafford and one of the organisers:
The GO! event was great this year! We were amazed at how the cathedral was transformed by lighting and so created a very friendly youth atmosphere. One youth leader said that it was very encouraging to have so many young people coming together to worship, especially when they are a small group themselves. I have had lots of positive feedback from groups, one saying that the talk was amusing and inspiring. Another youth leader was telling of how one of her young people had given her life to Christ at the event and during her cell group this week was now really open and full of the Holy Spirit. We in fact had 10 young people give their lives to Christ at the event, which is amazing.
This years renewal day was brilliant with Mike Pilavachi speaking on the theme of Light in the darkness says Revd George Fisher, Director of Mission for the Diocese.
He was encouraging, reassuring those there that just because were broken it doesnt mean that He cant love us, and challenging, speaking about eagerly desire the spiritual gifts, especially prophecy. Many people responded to the offer of prayer and the day lived up to our hopes of great bible teaching, inspirational worship and prayer ministry."
Another youth worker said: "Overall a brilliant event for young people, well organised and thought out. I would come again and the youth loved it!"
Cathy added: I love how events like this enable us to engage with the smaller groups within the diocese and to provide opportunities for dynamic worship, inspiring speaking and practical prayer ministry.
Next year, the Diocesan Renewal Conference and GO! youth event returns to Rising Brook Baptist Church in Stafford on October 3.
Photos: Mark Salmon: Mark has put an extensive set on the Diocesan Facebook group