It was a Happy Easter all round as the congregation at St. Stephens Church celebrated not only the Risen Lord but the completion of the restoration of the 155 year old church roof. Revd Elizabeth Wall officiated at the service which was attended by over 40 people including members of Fradley Community Choir who sang the anthem. After the service the congregation was joined by Brandy the Shetland Pony in his Easter bonnet for refreshments. The Easter Garden which was built by Messy Church was also much admired.
The Roof Restoration Project has taken 4+ years to raise over 38,000 with many fund raising events and generous donations by the local community as well as grants from Tarmac through the Landfill Communities Fund which is administered by Derbyshire Environmental Trust. Michelle Thurgood, external affairs manager at Tarmac, said: "We're delighted to have been able to support a project which will have numerous benefits to the local community. Engaging with our local communities is something we really value and being able to help the Church back into shape was great to see". Garfield Weston Foundation, Staffordshire Historic Churches Trust, Allchurches Fund and The Really Useful Group have also given generous grants.
The Parochial Church Council wishes to thank everyone for their hard work. The best compliment has been it looks just the same, only tidier. There will be a special celebratory service for the Church Roof Restoration on Sunday 12th June at 3.00pm.