Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
Turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ.
(Prayer at the Imposition of Ashes).
On Ash Wednesday, many Christians receive the sign of the cross on their forehead in ash with the words: “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” In this action we are reminded that we are dust and that God loves us - we are dust that is loved by God. The use of ash and the words spoken remind us of our creation by a loving God and inspire us to take time to consider those things that we may have done or said which have not demonstrated his love for everyone.
As we journey through Lent, following in the footsteps of Jesus, we are called to recognise God’s love for us and for all creation and to live out God’s love for the world in word and action. We know that this walk with Jesus won’t be easy - following Jesus will take us through Good Friday and the cross. There will be struggles; there will be times when we stumble, when we are confronted by our own weaknesses and failures, but we are not alone. We are bound to one another as children of God and we share with Jesus in God’s beloved family.
God came among us in the person of Jesus to show us how to be more than simply human. He came to show us how to share in the realising of God’s purpose, God’s plan for us and for all creation. Whatever devotion you practice during this season of Lent, either giving up something that ties you to this world or taking on a spiritual task or discipline, let it be something that helps you to actively participate in sharing the love of God.
+Sarah Shrewsbury