Like buses, home-grown Lent courses arrive in twos.
This year, both the Salop Area and Community of St Chad have both produced resources for parishes or groups to use.
The Community of St Chad's Lent Courselasts for five sessions mirroring the five Rhythms of Grace that make the foundations of the community.
And the Salop Episcopal Area is offering WATER.
" 'There is a crime in the desert worse than murder: " writes Bishop Mark in the introduction. " - knowing where to find water and telling no one about it'. The good news of Jesus Christ is like water in the desert. God's life poured out for his whole creation and for every person. Tangible knowledge of his generous love, gracious gifts and astonishing forgiveness for all people. God wants everyone to experience this. He has chosen us to be bearers of this good news and it is not something we should want to keep to ourselves.
"In 2013, I invited the churches in the Sal op Area of Lichfield Diocese to take part in 'Streams in the Desert'; to join me in thinking further how we might better embody the Good News of Jesus Christ in our communities. How can we be a flourishing Christian Presence in every community? How can our churches be like streams in the de-sert giving life to those around?
"850 people attended over four evenings and we were inspired by Isaiah's vision of a world transformed by God's rule (Isaiah 35). To-gether we explored the dangers of losing focus on God's Kingdom vision; we prepared ourselves to be part of God's reconciling activity in our communities. We began to look at how our local churches might need to be re-shaped for Mission and Service in 21st Century Shropshire. We re-dedicated ourselves afresh to God's service by who we are, what we say and how we behave.
"This Lent course, WATER, is another way to help us reflect on our calling to be God's faithful people. The material is based around the 8 marks of a thriving church which we started to discuss in our 'Table Talk' at 'Streams in the Desert'. It is simple and easy to follow. The rhythmic pattern for each session of a stimulating opening section, bible reading with meditation, discussion and worship, encourages us to engage directly with God and our life to-gether."
"It is my hope and prayer that WATER will be an oasis to those who find themselves in desert places, refresh those who are thirsty for God and, like a cold shower, invigorate us all to become the Body of Christ fully alive and awake in serving our communities."
Being a generous group, the writers are happy for anyone to use the material, not just those in the Salop area: the booklet, ready to print, can be downloaded here.