Vocation, Vocation, Vocation
Knowing that God is calling you doesnt always mean that things will run smoothly! Chad is well known as being the first Bishop of Lichfield but before that, he was made the Bishop of York. Although he hadnt wanted to be made Bishop in the first place, Chad was apparently very well loved in the role and served the people faithfully and humbly. However a few years later, when Theodore of Tarsus became Archbishop of Canterbury, he was shocked to find that Chad was Bishop of York and declared Chads appointment to be invalid. Theodore didnt think that Chad had been appointed by the right number of Bishops or the ceremony performed in the right way. Awkward. So Chad accepted no longer being Bishop of York with grace and humility, and as we know later was (properly!) appointed to become Bishop of Lichfield. As Bishop of Lichfield Chad was well known for his humbleness and passion for evangelism. He travelled all around Mercia sharing the Good News of Jesus. The example of Chad and his inspiring life are the reason for the new Diocesan slogan: Come follow Christ in the footsteps of St Chad.
On the 20th May, the Bishop of Lichfield is holding an event at the Cathedral to explore the Diocesan direction of travel. As part of that event there will be a Vocation Location. Here you will be able to hear a range of people from the Vocations Team, and from around the Diocese talking about calling and there will be loads of resources available. There will also be chance to talk to people about vocation and ask any questions you may have about exploring vocation. Do come and visit us at the Vocation Location.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
no feet but yours,
Yours are the eyes through which to look out on Christs
compassion to the world,
Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good,
Yours are the hands with which he is to bless people now.
St Teresa of Avila 1515 82