Perhaps you were never Mary in your school nativity, and are still looking for your big moment? Or youve always wanted to be an angel, but the halo didnt quite fit? Maybe you just want to appear with your family and friends in a Christmas picture to remember?
A Shrewsbury church is hoping to fulfill those unulfilled dreams this Christmas by putting people from their community 'in-the-picture'. The vicar of Trinity Churches, Phil Cansdale explains:
"A few years ago crowds of people flocked to Madame Tussauds in London to see a waxwork nativity with a difference. There dressed in all the usual finery of the Christmas story were David and Victoria Beckham as Joseph and Mary. They were surrounded dwith Hugh Grant and Graham Norton as shepherds, assorted world leaders as wise men, and Kylie Minogue as the angel.
"Not surprisingly a number of church leaders were not impressed. But it got me thinking. If I had the choice, who would I want to be in the nativity story? Which of the characters would I most want to be in the Christmas play?
"This December we want to be giving an opportunity for everyone to find their place in the Christmas story. Were going to be in various places across Meole Brace and Radbrook Green, kitted out with nativity costumes, a special Christmas backdrop, and a camera. Were looking for hundreds of group photos of modern day nativities, and will then upload each of the snapshots onto our www.trinitychurches.org website for people to find, print or share via social media."
The photos will be online at Trinity Churches' website throughout the Christmas season.