Hearing Loss - Hearing loops

"A Hearing Loop (also known as an induction loop) is a wireless device technology that works with telecoil hearing aids (almost all new hearing aids now have telecoils) and all cochlear implants to produce clear sound without feedback or background noise.  Consisting of  three parts – an amplifier, microphone and very thin loop wire – hearing loops create a magnetic field that is picked up by any t-coil equipped hearing aid and converted to audible sound."

With  2 million people in the Uk being hearing aid users, it is highly likely that your congregation would benefit from a hearing loop. 

Fixed Hearing Loop Installation - Tips

Consult and compare at least 2 different companies. Speak to other churches/ organisations that have recently gone through this process and ask for their reccomendations of companies that are specifically trained in installing Fixed Hearing Loops.

Have an open mind... What you think you need can in reality be very different from what is possible in your building. What suits one type of building and construction may not be appropriate for your particular building and location.

This process cannot be rushed... Expect a full examination of your building/space where the system will be installed. In older buidlings there may be certain features that will affect sound quality of the fixed loop system - stone pillars, pews and niches. The geology of the local area can also affect what may be possible, and a geology sound test may well be undertaken.

Compare Quotes... At the time of initial inspection ask for a full quotation of cost along with written technical specification of equipment to be used ; how it wil be installed safely to minimise the risk of creating 'Hot Spots' especially around narrow doorways. Ask the company about avoiding any 'Hot Spots'... and how these can potentially cause disruption to personal defribulators and pacemakers. Take a note of what microphones suite the proposed system, head set microphones tend to give more freedm of movement  compard to lapel microphones. 

Cost... Opting for a less expensive system is not always a wise decision in the long term. Hearing loop systems need regular maintanence and will aslo need ayearly PAT test. There may be grants or community schemes available to help with the initial cost. 



Page last updated: Monday 15th April 2024 2:08 PM
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