Churchwardens' Handbook - Safeguarding

The Diocese of Lichfield has a robust safeguarding policy and process which all ministers and parishes must comply with. The safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults is a matter of primary concern and the importance of this must be known by all members of the congregation as well as clergy, church officers and the PCC.

The PCC must approve a safeguarding policy and appoint a safeguarding co-ordinator. All ministers, the PCC (including the co-ordinator) must hold a current DBS certificate and attend safeguarding training at the prescribed level and the co-ordinator should be encouraged to update the PCC on Safeguarding matters.

The Lichfield Diocesan website contains information about who to contact in case of any concerns or for advice. There is a sample policy for a PCC to adapt to their own circumstances. There are also guidance notes for appointments to various roles and how to do this well with regard to safeguarding.

Contacts for safeguarding


Policy and Practical Guidance

Policy and practice guidance | The Church of England

Page last updated: Wednesday 17th May 2023 11:23 AM
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