Curacy Vacancies

Curacy Vacancies for 2025 - for Church of England ordinands released by their sponsoring diocese.

Are you completing ordination training in 2025? Have you been released by your sponsoring diocese to look elsewhere? If your answer to both these questions is yes then do consider coming to Lichfield Diocese for your curacy. We have a variety of title parishes for which we are seeking curates. Please explore the parish profiles via the links below and if you are interested in any of the curacies listed please contact our Director of Ordinands Romita Shrisunder by emailPlease note that every year we have more shortlisted parishes than we are able to fill from our curate allocation. This is so that we can create a pool of parishes that reflects the diversity of our diocese - details of those parishes will be added in due course, but in the meantime please do contact Romita. In order to ensure that we don’t exceed the total number of curacies available in the diocese we have a set number of curacies which can be actively explored by potential curates at any one time. Curacy exploration is a long process and we do not remove the listings below until curacies have formally been offered by the bishops.

To find out more about our new curacy training programme please look at our Curates' Training webpage. Clergy wellbeing is at the heart of the Diocese of Lichfield.


Page last updated: Thursday 25th July 2024 11:33 AM
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