The 180 degree Review questionnaire
The 180 degree Review offers a simple and effective tool for seeking feedback through the insights of a small selection of peers and church members.
Who should be invited to complete the questionnaire?
The minister invites six people to act as review contributors/ critical friends.
Three should be ministry colleagues - someone with whom the reviewee works closely in a staff-member relationship (e.g. curate, Reader, parish administrator) or one or two could be people with whom they work closely in a colleague relationship (e.g. Head Teacher of a local school, neighbouring clergy colleague, Area Dean). The other three should be church members such as a significant PCC member (e.g. churchwarden, treasurer) or one or two discerning members of the congregation.
Where the reviewee ministers in more than one worshipping community or work context they will need to choose where and from whom the most helpful responses may be sought.
It is important that those invited to be review contributors should be critical friends, not committed opponents or over-enthusiastic supporters! The reviewee needs people who are supportive of their ministry, but who can speak the truth in such a way that it can be heard and responded to. Completed questionnaires are to be sent directly to the reviewer who will collate responses. Feedback will be given to the reviewee during the review meeting without disclosing the identity of particular contributors, so that confidentiality is maintained.
Occasionally, the Bishop may wish to nominate people to act as Review Contributors. The reviewee may object to these nominations and any objection will be noted.
The reviewee must ensure that all Contributors are properly briefed and understand what is being asked of them. Review contributors should be provided with the links to this page and to the critical friend questionnaire itself, preferably by email. If the contributor does not have internet access, hard copies must be provided. The reviewee should provide the address of the reviewer so that questionnaires are sent directly.
How does the Review work?
The 180 degree review takes the form of a multiple choice questionnaire assessing the following twelve core aspects of ministry:
- Worship
- Preaching
- Teaching
- Spirituality
- Management and Organisation
- Leadership
- Self-Management
- Communication
- Evangelism
- Pastoral Care
- Vocational Development
- Working Collaboratively
A description of each aspect is summarised on the questionnaire. These are:-
- Specific to the ministers context reflecting on its values and mission
- Relevant to his/her role - its content and importance
- Descriptive not prescriptive and provide a non-pejorative means of reflecting on ministry development at different levels of accomplishment.
Review contributors and reviewees themselves are invited to assess each area of capability by choosing one of the five following categories:-
- Weak The reviewee needs considerable development in this area.
- Developing The reviewee shows some capability in this area within his/her present context, but needs further development.
- Maturing The reviewee is capable is this area, but with some limitation in experience of application.
- Accomplished The reviewee has natural gifts and/or is experienced in this area, and is able to exercise this in a wide variety of circumstances.
- Outstanding The reviewee excels in this area/these areas (or has a recognised specialism).
Please place a cross in the box of choice. There may be areas about which contributors feel they are unable to comment, in which case the boxes in that row should be left blank.
Additional comments are invited and may be made under the following headings:-
- Areas to affirm
- Areas for growth and development
Please return completed questionnaires to the reviewer, preferably by email, at least 14 days before the Review meeting.